Opinions on people with a lot of characters?

Posted 13 days, 2 hours ago (Edited 12 days, 4 hours ago) by ArtemisFinch

I believe it is most reasonable to have less than

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5 Votes 75 characters
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2 Votes 150 characters
4 Votes 200 characters
8 Votes 300 characters
2 Votes 400 characters
4 Votes 500 characters
229 Votes Have as many as you need

I feel like people who have lots of characters aren't liked and idk why?? I have about 150 characters, and I do like all of them. Just been thinking about this since recently I saw a post where someone wasn't offering adopts to anyone with 100+ characters. So genuinely, give me your opinions because it's been making me feel kind of guilty lol

Edit: TYSM genuinely, this made me feel a lot better about my characters. I'm unsubscribing from the thread since so many of you are posting (my notifications are exploding ack) and I won't see any new posts, but feel free to talk to each other still! Ty again :)


Again? Are y'all not tired of this topic yet?