Show me your ocs with long hair!

Posted 2 months, 5 days ago by Merrick Sheepy_Wish

I don't know why but I just,, like long hair,,,, Their hair looks so braidable,,

Especially when their hair is floor length like Merrick's !!

Sheidos Jayp1x

Long hair is so fun <3

Sheidos' is the longest that I have, being past floor length (he uses magic to keep it from dragging)


Oh I have a ton!  :)
Ashley ,Lupin , Lewis , Static , Seesme , Shiba , Her , Willow , Serikumu , Ari Tokito , Akumu , Ebony, Kumi Tokicoma , Xeno , Amara, Clairmont , Ophellia
Hydrophobia , Shonen , Takio , Ako , Jesper , Onyxx 

I thought I had more long haired boys, huh :P 

SpiderMan (Pita) moungazz


Carver Pastafang

I have many long-haired characters, but Carver and Aura probably have the longest

bahari inmortui

bahari my beloved

also tori


Her image is cropped but her hair is almost floor length 💚🌿

Prince Onyx Creative_

Here he is

Zephyr SpillGnu

I have a few beans with long hair! This guy (in IC ) has super long hair down to his butt. Lol.
Other beans I have with long hair are || Arthur and Jasper

Prince of the Hanging Gardens ohnobees

It trails on the floor

Robin Lobo-Inu

Robin's is super long! it's usually up in a ponytail, but it goes down to the base of his tail when undone.

Yeager dino_the_rex

I have a lot of characters with long hair lol, it's a bit of a problem. Yeager's reaches just below his waist

Arielle Blythe Rainbow000Pegasus

I have so many! I'll just link Arielle IC since they're my favourite!

Nolatrelta "Nola" Elise KamiNotCandy

My pretty lil yuan ti hehehehe


I have these two! My most beloved^^

Valan - his hair nearly touches his ass. His entire hair would cover his face too if his ears weren't holding them up. 

Maddie -.her hair is completely down to her knees! She has the longest hair out of everyone!