Snap Dragon



3 years, 4 months ago


Snap dragon has two forms, human and snake but her origin comes from that of a stuffed toy given for valentines. The stuffed toy was granted the ability to become human/snake after the gift owner wished for something they couldn't have; a child. She was raised by the man and his wife given the name Snap Dragon, Snap for short after a flower they grew in the flower beds of their small garden. She was raised as a normal human never being told of her origin, her ability to turn into a snake was known from her toddler years and growing up she was told to keep the ability hidden as a "super power". Now as an adult she can shift into forms at free will but still keeps it hidden from those she doesn't trust, she adopted her love for Asian clothing from her mother and often wears traditional Japanese garments when at home, she currently works as a Gardner and often visits her parents to help with the snap dragons they grew.