


3 years, 7 months ago


Yona is the 4th out of the 5 dixon children, though she doesn’t see much of her father she does not harbour hatred for him like some of her siblings. She also doesn’t see her oldest brothers too often, only on holidays when she gets time off from the local hot springs she works at. Yona was born with red hair, a rare colour that she inherited from her mother in fact out of the five children she was the only one to be granted the colour. The colour of her hair made her stand out from everyone from the beginning, some say she was a lucky charm, others thought that she may have been royalty in her past life not that it actually ever meant anything to her. Instead she found a love for the traditional clothing her mother and oldest brother often adorned, she wears the clothing often and wanted to find a place to work where she wouldn’t be forced to change.

That’s when the hot springs came into her life. After a lot of searching, Yona came across the said place and fell in love, all workers wore some sort of traditional clothing, the location was warm and it seemed like a friendly place. The owner appreciated her passion and enthusiasm and took her on, at first the lady was strict on Yona but over time she became like a second mother to the cat, she even got along splendidly well with the owners son Enji. Enji and Yona are close, not romantically but certainly best of friends in fact the two are often bantering with each other or being told off for being too competitive with one another. When on breaks at the hot springs they use the ping pong tables in the recreation room with fierce determination to beat one another, they compete who can greet the most customers and get the best feed back. Even then, at the end of the day the two of them can leave work and hang out, Enji doesn’t mind her traditional clothing outside of work at all, in fact it’s rather charming.

She was the one that discovered his twins identity after visiting Shaun on a Christmas holiday, Hikaru was sitting in Shaun’s home having no family of his own to visit. Yona thought it was Enji himself and probably would have said so if she hadn’t noticed that Hikaru didn’t have Enji’s beauty mark. Once travelling home she called Enji and explained. Now she tries to help her best friend with contacting his twin brother and reuniting the two, she doesn’t know how it will turn out considering the two are complete opposites in personality but she’s very optimistic. Though she enjoys working at the hot springs, her fathers influence has also meant that she has now started to star as supporting roles in traditional tv dramas.