
3 years, 7 months ago


Kai is the fifth and last child of the Dixon family, he was born human like his father and as the last child was doted on by all family particularly by his father as the period from birth to the age of three, his dad took a break from his job. However only seeing Herschel and Shaun on holidays meant they weren’t as close, this changed however when he reached middle school and began to rebel. People picked on him for having a famous father, calling him a brat ridding on daddy’s coat tails through life. However unlike his sister Mimi who lost self esteem, Kai started fights. He would beat the other children till they cried for their mommy and even the teachers struggled to stop him. His family tried to discipline him, punish him with taking away toys and games, even Herschel and Shaun came home for a while to help with him. Everyone seemed to turn their back on him in his eyes, all except Shaun. He would still offer hugs, still talked and laughed, kindly patched up his cuts and bruises. Shaun became the light Kai craved and hence a brother complex started.

In high school thanks to Shaun’s influence, Kai mellowed out and stopped beating other people up, at least as far as his family were aware. He at least got decent grades in class and made some friends. Actually his tough boy attitude came across popular with the girls, especially when he turned up to high school wearing a leather jacket covered in grease from fixing his motorbike before hand. It came to be a problem for him particularly on valentines, it was always a chaotic event being chased around school with chocolates, coming home to confession letters piled up by the front door and even a few creepy stalkers here and there. He lost count the amount of confessions he had heard and turned down from boys and girls alike too. However he hated the attention, he hated the affection and doting he got from everyone including family, the only exception was Shaun. He craved Shaun’s attention and praise, all the affection and doting. Why else would he try to be nice to everyone and let down the confessions so gently, the last thing he wanted was to see Shaun disappointed.

He’s only just left school now, not with the greatest grades but he didn’t need them. He already had the skill and great qualities that make a mechanic but surprisingly that wasn’t what he chose to do for work. The truth was underneath his bad boy exterior there was actually a love for flowers. Making sure he wasn’t discovered by being hired by a florist in the next town over, Kai started his career in the said flower shop. There he serves with a kind smile in the most frilly of aprons. But don’t tell anyone because he’ll still beat your ass. He uses his earnings to upgrade his motorbike and to visit his older brother Shaun, of course he’s still saving money as he wishes to move closer to Shaun.