Algernon Young



7 years, 1 month ago


Name Algernon Young
Age 40
DoB September 16
Star Sign Virgo
Height 5'8"
Sexuality Biromantic asexual
Gender Male
Species Human (mild empath)
Occupation Therapist

Algernon Young

Algernon was born to wealthy parents, Lucille and Shimon Young, and some would say he wanted for nothing. For the most part, he was content. There wasn't anything that he would tell people that was overly traumatic or awful about his childhood. The biggest complaint he might have developed was the fact that his parents treated him like a little adult. That doesn't sound bad, but he was never really let to be a kid; he didn't get to make big mistakes without consequences, he didn't have mom and dad to back him up. If he got in trouble, he had to learn to deal with it himself. He was the kind of child that learned to walk himself to school at a very young age because that was his job and no one got walked to their job, did they? That was fine, though. He didn't mind. It was because of that that he met his best friend: Royal Biram. The two were thick as thieves and spent most of their lives together to the point that Algernon always pined a little when his friend went to England for the summers to be with relatives. Most of his life was pretty average until he got into college.

In college, he began to figure out who he was as a person, figuring out what he valued and feeling the first effects of what can happen if he hit a rough patch and learning what he had to do to soften the blows. In one of his classes, he met a woman named Charlene Reyes. They hit it off and Algernon thought he was in love because all the earmarks of it were there even if the emotions were not. They tumbled into a romance that lead to them getting married and they were comfortable. Unfortunately, being comfortable didn't make up for lack of chemistry or lack of needs being met. Algernon and Charlene divorced amicably, promising to stay in touch but when she moved away, they were no longer able to do that (it also prevented him from learning about the fact that Charlene had been pregnant with his daughter). Algernon was more sad about not being sad about the break up then anything else and he remained single for quite while until he met Harriett Fields. Algernon liked Harriett because she was everything Algernon was not; bright and happy and fun and bold. He thought maybe she would help change him for the better, but instead he found himself almost constantly belittled (in the beginning of the relationship, it was "playfully" telling him things that he sounded so old or no one wanted to hear something, but later lost the playfulness). Algernon stuck around in the relationship because he believed what Harriett was saying to him: that he needed her, that he would be nothing without her. Eventually he found out she was cheating (because he was asexual, he didn't have the drive to meet her needs) and he still didn't know how to get out of the relationship. Eventually she did it for him, breaking them up and divorcing him to run off with some other man. He never found out what happened to her.

After that, Algernon swore off relationships. He was burned too many times and he had no proper interest in sex, like most of the people he met did. He didn't want to box someone into a relationship where they weren't getting their needs met. He was perfectly content, focusing on work and friends, when he was approached by one of the Supernatural Response Unit heads, who asked him if he would be willing to take on the job of screening many of their employees, new and old alike. In addition, they wanted him on retainer, in case of traumatic events in the lives of their agents. Eventually Algernon agreed, working them into his schedule alongside his normal patients. He was happy enough to take on more work and then one day he met Parker Manning.

The continuation of Algernon's story is explored in the To the Moon, Through the Stars story Evening Star.

  • Calm
  • Empathetic
  • Gentle
  • Persuasive
  • Supportive
  • Cynical
  • Nosy
  • Pessimistic
  • Scatterbrained
  • Workaholic


"As The World Falls Down" - David Bowie
"Hotel California" - The Eagles
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Song Title
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Birthstone Sapphire
Birth Flower Aster
Ruling Planet Mercury
Element Earth
MBTI ISFJ (Defender)
Enneagram The Loyalist

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