


3 years, 4 months ago


Light upon my heart, darling dove.

Tonight we make magic.


duchess of lovers
Duchess Dorabella
she/her fleur/fleurs
poly pan
new age unicorn (malwari)
duchess & "eternal maiden"
forever homed


Dorabella was born without a horn, an incredibly controversial event in the upperclass world. As such, fleur greaty struggles with magical talents, and is more likely to perform an implosion than a spell. Thus, there was no scholarly future for her. So her parents decided to promise her to be an eternal maiden, a fate Bella was strongy against. She was forced to memorize scripture and holy incantations, which caused her to grow spiteful towards both her parents and the church. In an act of rebellion, Dorabella turned away from her maidenhood and engaged in affairs. She took on her lovers proudly and with great love. Her parents were unfathomably ashamed of their daughter and desperately tried to cover them up. But after their passing, Bella flaunted her lovers proudly to the public, even going as far as to commission special made portraits of each of them to wear upon her shoulders. This caused her to be the subject of much gossip, but she didn't care. Fleur was just happy to finally be able to be herself.

Dorabella is incredibly doting to her lovers, offering them gifts, often very publicly. She has an infectious positivity to her, and frequently throws balls and banquets. While her parents were restrictive with money, she gives it away freely to those in need, determined to forge her own legacy of kindness and love.

see eskara tab for full bio


  • Dorabella's mane is curly!
  • Her "horns" are a sort of headband and are removable. They are custom build for her and acts as a sort of prosthetic since she was born hornless. They allow her to focus a minimal amount of magic, but it is very unstable.
  • She must always be drawn with her filigree and portrait, as they are a part of her (aside from the actual portrait which is removable)


  • affection
  • gifts
  • mead and tea
  • lotus cakes
  • lilies
  • sweet
  • doting
  • flirty
  • daring
  • rebellious
  • stubborn


  • restriction
  • religion
  • upperclass snobs
  • maidenhood
  • parents
Let's Be Bad - Bombshell
