


3 years, 2 months ago



  Meretseger   the snekiest snek

A jack-of-all-trades Mag cultist, a member of the Great Grand Stellated Cell (GGSC), which worships and venerates all Mags equally. They're a very loose organization with no real formal leaders or institutions, and membership is generally personal and individualistic. They're also notoriously hard to track down.

Meret is one of the easiest to get one's hands on, though he's never in one place for long. An extremely powerful, adept mage, he travels the world, enriching himself and testing spells and ideas on hapless, random mortals. Y'know. For fun.

Though his smile's a little too smug for his own good, Meret's generally nerdy and prone to rambling. A bit of a loner, he doesn't hang around people a lot - though he tries to maintain good working relationships with others. He fills his time by narrating himself under his breath and keeping extensive written logs of his travels in a pocket dimension.

Technically the last Frag that Kolo ever Blessed, but that's a different can of worms.

He only takes on requests or apprentices that interest him. What sort of things interest him? Mostly people and things he hasn't heard of before, or concepts he's been dying to try but hasn't had a chance to hit up yet. Most Mag-related things intrigue him as long as they aren't boring 'I wanna talk to a deity' sorts of things.

In addition, Meret's mastered Linija's 2D ability - he can thin himself out into 2D space, meaning he slinks around unnoticed a lot of the time. He's been trying to crack the code of Linija's line-camera-things but that's a lot harder to accomplish. Anyone who could even mildly help him (aka anyone who resonates with Linny) gets an instant buy-a-potion-get-one-free card.

Wants you to ask why a snake has boobs. Answers "why not?" and then laughs at his own joke for twenty minutes. Every single time.