


3 years, 6 months ago


"It's my nature to stay quiet about most things."

Alamar is a serpent demon, the oldest demon from the Norwood family. He has protected and taught the Norwood witch family for millenniums, the beginning of the family and has vowed to protect the family to the end. In return he has learned from the witches long as he shared his knowledge, unexpectedly developing and having better understanding of his own feelings. He has been seen as treacherous false-hearted serpent in the beginning, but that has changed in time. To the Norwood family he is much more than a malicious snake, but always will be seen as that by angels and other demons that has seen what he is capable of.

Nowadays Alamar is much more calmer and approachable than back then- it is because things have changed over the years meaning he had to change as well. It lead up to people not viewing him so badly anymore for being what he is- including people having slight more trust towards him than fearing of being deceived by him. Though, he is still very much of capable of doing that but has sworn to be loyal to the Norwood family.

Unknown, Immortal
Human form 200cm, snake length varies, snake demon form varies min 300cm - 1000cm +
Serpent/snake (higher) demon
Protector of the Norwood family, used to be a malicious demon
Unknown, INFJ?
  • Deer broth, for years has enjoyed it and is pleased the mistresses over the years of the Norwood family always cooks it
  • Fireplace, likes the warmth it gives that is why he is often found napping near it
  • Chocolate pudding
  • Body pillow, got it as a gift from the family
  • Archangesl/angels, fallen angels
  • Territory being invaded
  • Citrus fruits, orange, lemon and lime
  • Shedding, sometimes needs help with that, but feels relieved and clean when gets rid of old skin


Not exposing the long history he has and how he was a malicious demon back then ;)

I need to think about it more since gotta tell how ended up as a household demon or rather protector of the Norwood family.


Recent history will most likely go here- shush you can wait for it.


Cyfrin Norwood

[ Charge, reminds him of one deceased family member ]

Alamar expected the Norwood family have children after all and Cyfrin was the newest generation of the family. The serpent didn't expect nothing much out of the child other than that Cyfrin would be a well trained witch even if it took time. What he didn't expect was that Cyfrin would be born with turqoise pink eyes, it instantly reminded him of a one deceased family member that passed away centuries ago. A reason why he shamelessly got little more attached of the witch child even if Cyfrin had a high interest of clinging to Alamar's snake half and trying to climb him all the time when the witch was older and not a baby anymore. He never understood why children of the family were always so keen of bothering anything that resembled an animal, but Cyfrin had a clear interest of clinging to any demons tail out there and not easily letting go. Another reason why the serpent never bothered to remove Cyfrin off him whenever he slithered around, it was amusing to hear the child be so entertained after all- it was better than having the newer generation scared of him. Still to this day the snake allows Cyfrin to hide in his coils whenever he is napping near the fireplace- it is childish, but the witch is having harmless fun. It is better than hearing what Cyfrin did again with his witch friend group. Alamar thinks the witch is going to someday get himself killed if keeps messing with wrong things- it almost gave Alamar a heart attack when Cyfrin disappeared for a week in the underworld.


Grimm Graves

[ A hybrid, Cyfrin's partner ]

Alamar was aware of Grimm's existence when Cyfrin started hanging out with the hybrid. The hybrid's scent was hard to miss out, especially when it started sticking out more on Cyfrin. He was suspicious of the hybrid, nor wasn't overall a huge fan of "cambions" half-demon and half-human hybrids which also played a role why was wary of Grimm's scent lingering on Cyfrin. It gave mixed messages to Alamar, unsure if the hybrid was trying to claim the witch or wasn't aware at all what was doing. It didn't take long until Alamar heard from Asmo that there was something going on between Cyfrin and Grimm which Asmo said was "Attraction." but neither was the trickster 100% sure of it. Yet Asmo knew more since was bothering Cyfrin a lot about it. Alamar couldn't form much of a option about the hybrid until Grimm himself was dragged along by Cyfrin over to his family's place. It was clear at the moment how nervous Grimm was there cause of the household demons roaming around and being aware of what Grimm truly is. Alamar didn't see the hybrid as a threat, though was highly suspicious of the other scent that Grimm was carrying at the time too. He couldn't shrug it off and was keeping watchful eye on the hybrid and wasn't softening up to him anytime soon. That changed after the incident, and Cyfrin started taking Grimm with him everywhere including to see his family again. Alamar was able to lower his guard more, nor wasn't so bothered by Grimm anymore. Cannot really dislike the hybrid either since is part of the Norwood family by being Cyfrin's partner, means Grimm will be protected as well even if there is no bonding between the two. Least the serpent demon has accepted the occasional pets from Grimm.



[ Errand demon, tolerates the chort ]

Alamar has known Pavel for the longest time, remembers the day when one member of the Norwood family suddenly came back home along with a chort by their side. It seemed like the chort was outsmarted when tried to trick the family member to get them to exchange their soul to anything they wished for. It was in Alama'rs opinion foolish move to even in the first place to agree to play the dangerous game with the chort even if in the end managed to outsmart the small demon. Since the chort lost the family member decided the small demon should be a new household demon for them. Alamar wasn't fond of it at all, he simply couldn't trust the chort to run around doing errands for the family even when the chort swore to be loyal to the family and they usually keep their words true. He made no attempts to befriend with the chort whom later found out his name was Pavel. Alamar wasn't keen of being all buddy with the smaller demon that was already trying to keep a respectful distant from the serpent. Soon got used to seeing Pavel around, wasn't pleased about the chort pulling harmless tricks/pranks around the house that the witch family wasn't bothered of so much- though some got annoyed which was what Pavel looked for. It was surprising when the chort dared to try to pull a little trick/prank upon Alamar which was futile since the serpent didn't give a reaction that the chort was looking for and he wasn't going to give what Pavel wanted. Which the chort took it as a challenge, building up quite an unusual friendship between the two.



[ Gardener of the Norwood family ]

Alamar finds them to be quite hard-working, organized and can get moody and rather serious- especially when the topic involves the garden that he takes care of. They've always been like that, expect Alamar has taken a notice Capricorn has loosened up through out the years. They seem to be much happier with the Norwood family and rest of the household demons than ever before after agreeing to be a household demon for the family- earning the role of helping around, but took a special interest of gardening. No one else hasn't dared to sass at Alamar like the zodiac demon does- or rather was the first one to do that. Reason to that was when Alamar wasn't careful enough of slithering by the garden, it was enough to get Capricorn to go be face to face with the higher demon. It was disrespectful, but Alamar had to be slightest bit of impressed the zodiac demon had enough courage to scold the serpent demon. Luckily that happened when Alamar was more "nicer" than back then. Till this day Capricorn hasn't apologized for snapping at Alamar, he is stubborn as ever in the snake's opinion. Also Alamar has learned to be more careful whenever goes through the garden not to destroy any plants.



[ Colorful caretaker of the Norwood family, oddly very sweet ]

When the older caretaker of the witch family left to go along with the other members of the Norwood family, they were in a need of a new household demon that could fulfill the caretaker role. Solution to that was summoning a demon- preferably "harmless", able to protect the children. Precautions were taken to ensure every ones safety, and having Alamar close by in case if something went wrong or the demon they summon were hostile. Instead to the family's luck they summoned a rather colorful higher demon trickster who was surprised to be summoned in the first place. The trickster was quick to introduce himself with a polite manner, already trying to give the best good first impression to the Norwood family and to the household demons- it was clear the trickster knew how to play it safe especially when saw Alamar staring down at him. He remained silent, was watchful of Asmodeus' movements and figuring out if the higher demon trickster had bad intentions with the witches. Asmo proved himself is trustworthy, and seemed rather happy of being asked to be a household demon- it seemed like Asmo didn't have anything better to do. Alamar was taken back how social Asmo was towards others, being sweet and talkative which is why others took a quick liking to that trickster. The kids adored him, especially Cyfrin did and saw the child clinging to Asmo's tail most of the time. Expect the serpent himself since Alamar was still wary and keeping a watchful eye on Asmo, but later loosened up enough to trust the trickster around the family. Still cannot understand how talkative Asmo can get and having endless conversations- least Alamar can be quiet and tolerate the trickster's chattering even if Asmo tries to pester him quite a bit nowadays. It seems like the colorful trickster never stops poking him about Feyre and seems to be so sure about there is something more going on there- and complains Alamar is hard to read. Quick way to get Asmo to shush up is to say his full name like he is in trouble.



[ Asmo's partner, a newest household demon ]

Alamar was aware of Avril's existence through Asmo when the colorful demon was away and returned having Avril's scent lingering on him- he didn't bother asking about ti since Asmo wasn't at that time attached of Avril. It didn't take long until Asmo started being more giddy after has spent more time with Avril, it was clear to Alamar something was going on by the scent and how Asmo was dying to talk about the trickster he met through his relative Anwir. Alamar only got to meet Avril when Asmo wanted to take them with him over to the Norwoods- of course Asmo was asking a permission from mr and mrs Norwood first to bring over a trickster that was outside of the family- Alamar kept his distance, was already aware of Avril after all and knew it was best not to bother the two tricksters since were spending time together. Never really then during that time come across each other only when Avril and Asmo were partners, and Avril stayed with the witch family to be with Asmo. It was only then when proper introductions were needed, nothing else was needed than to get along after that. It wasn't surprising when Avril made the first attempts to socialize with Alamar after they got along with others that were more talkative than him. Asmo was right about Avril being social as the colorful trickster was, yet Alamar kept close eye on them since were a trickster. It seemed like they knew it was best not to try any harmless tricks upon the snake since were pleasant to talk with- least attempted to make a conversation with Alamar who says what is needed than unnecessary chatter. It took a while until Alamar was more comfortable of sharing things or answering questions that he found little personal to be shared. Such as what he used to do back then to spend his free time on, it was then when Avril learned he liked listening others read. It didn't take long until the trickster pulled Alamar in the living room so they can read for him. He found it tad silly they bothered to even get a book and read aloud for him despite of him leaving it in the past. Yet Alamar stayed, they made him realize how much actually missed it. He was reluctant though of keeping it up until gave in after Avril kept it up and didn't give in easily, he knew it was best to give in and enjoy it. Now and then talking with them doesn't seem that bad at all anymore, even if Avril gets more daring of pestering him since knows he has patience with that. nor doesn't get angry. Even when Avril pokes with Asmo if the serpent demon will tag along them to go outside to public which he has said multiple times no to until few times gave in- and more so when Feyre was around.



[ Would be just mean if didn't find her adorable ]

Only writing later about this one since there isn't much developed, headcanon is that she probably likes listening with him when Avril reads a book aloud.



[ Partner ]

It wasn't much of a mystery how Feyre got in the middle world. Alamar wouldn't had a problem with her if her scent wasn't nearby his territory, which he found it bothersome and saw it as a threat towards the witch family since he originally didn't know what a reaper demon was doing out there. He investigated it, not easily deterred away by her with her curt answers as he tried to figure out what her intentions were- it was clear she was little intimidated by him. It didn't take long until he followed other scent and found Juno a baby demon hiding where Feyre hid her, it didn't take long for Alamar to realize Feyre has been deterring him away cause she was protecting her baby. He got attacked by Feyre the moment she found him near Juno, he was quick to move away not to be slaughtered by her- she managed to leave a scratch on him. It was enough to get him to back off, especially too since Feyre was clearly stressed and didn't want him near her or her baby. Alamar kept his distance for couple of days, taking care of the scratch she left on him- he was at that time too poked by Avril what was going on which he was reluctant to talk about at first and leave the other demon be with her child since she wasn't a threat to the witch family. In the end he was bothered about it and ended up slithering where Feyre was to apologize for what he did and his intentions weren't to harm her baby nor stress her out like that. He offered his help to her, it was about keeping away stray demons with his presence and provide needed things for her and her baby. He was glad she accepted it, his worries of them could then rest at ease for that time. It wasn't a bother of how guarded Feyre was around Juno whenever he was around, he never made any attempts to get closer to the two and only did what was necessary to do so. Especially since Feyre didn't have experience with babies, it was a reason too why he had to offer his help since knew how babies were taken care of-rather human ones still had more knowledge than she did yet allowed her to figure things out first before she needed his help more. It was a tad of a sweet moment when Feyre introduced Juno properly to him, was of course reluctant to get too close to Juno since knew how protective demon mothers were of their children. But she was comfortable of him being close so he managed to be less tense and allow Juno to investigate him little as well. He allowed some bonding between him and Juno, was unsure how to react when the baby was getting more attached of him. He didn't mind it, after all it was good that Juno was comfortable around him since Feyre went to the underworld to check on how things were that left him to babysit Juno. He'd never admit to Feyre that he was being silly with Juno to keep the baby entertained while she was gone for a while. Alamar was unhappy to see Feyre returned injured with a slight scent of a paralysis demon that he reconized right off the bat as Erebus'. He wasn't pleased to talk much about Erebus only enough to let her know he doesn't like the inky demon and still has intentions to kill him if he ever returned to the middleworld again. He had to take care of Feyre's wounds even if she was being difficult about it it left him with no choice than to use his coils- luckily in the end Feyre appreciated his help and wasn't upset by him doing that. He was sure she must've felt at least little uncomfortable and more stressed even if he managed to shush her up that time. Alamar got along with her as days passed, most shocking was when Feyre offered to groom him which got him to tense up and be unsure of it until reluctantly accepted her offer- it was bit uncomfortable and Alamar didn't know how to relax at first until grooming each other became as a routine for them. It was a sign of trust to each other even if both were equally stiff during the few first times until got more used to it. Grooming someone was a new experience for him- and a first time of grooming fur like hers- and he kept the grooming appropriate. Is rather tiny bit embarrassed to admit she got him to purr few times during it since it was clear he did enjoy it even if wasn't being touchy like that with everyone nor still sure about how to feel about contact. But he was comfortable with her. He still remembers the day when he came to check on her and Juno and found her heavily injured with confused Juno. An archangel attempted to kill Feyre, but for unknown reasons they left it unfinished or thought they killed her. Since she was passed out it was easier to carry her out of there along Juno even if he was in a bit of a rush to get her injuries treated which was why he only afterwards explained to the Norwoods about the situation after he has taken care of Feyre's wounds. In meantime while he waited for Feyre to wake up he took care of Juno. When she did wake up she was visible stressed and worried of Juno, but calmed down when saw Juno and Alamar took the chance to explain to her where she was- which she was clearly not happy about of being in a new environment and knowing there was other household demons and witches there- outside of his rooms of course no one wasn't allowed to enter there so Feyre was able to rest and calm down. He wasn't bothered by doing a lot for her, bringing whatever she needed, checked on her wounds and made sure she was getting little more comfortable and wasn't in the way nor tiring his patience out. He was rather tad attached of her even if struggled to admit to himself he cared about her and Juno a lot more. Which is why when he was successfully dragged out in the public by the two tricksters he brought foods for Feyre and Juno- it was at that time when he figured out she liked strawberries quite a bit so he more often brought those for her to enjoy. He only got little more closer to Feyre afterwards, learned more about where Juno came from and more about Feyre's past since he took notice of her having night terrors when he started again sleeping in his rooms with her. He offered his comfort to her, was glad she accepted it and allowed him to calm her down and both were comfortable with simple contact. He was more comfortable of purring too since it calmed her down when got to listen his chest rumble. Alamar was glad to see Feyre get better even if her wounds left some scars on her that were covered by her fur, it was huge progress when Feyre started to walk around more- even if left at night to go outside to get fresh air and calm down more- expect he now and then found her at the woods or even near the garden since some flowers or roses had a appealing scent- which is another reason why he even afterwards bothered of bringing flowers in his room to place in a vase since the scent of those calmed her down. It was clear Feyre had intentions to leave with Juno even if the baby was very attached of him and calling him as snake dad a lot more- but she was clearly worried too of the angel returning to finish the job of killing her. Could say she was in luck of not getting killed when angels/archangels wanted to discuss about the matter of Feyre since it was unclear if she was a household demon or Alamar's friend which meant then they had no right to harm Feyre nor Juno. He got it handled along the witches- even if was confused why he was still "distraught" about her leaving, never still fully understood his own emotions nor attachment of others. Only mattered to him that Feyre and Juno were happy and able to live in the middleworld without being further harmed by anyone else. He let her know that she was always still welcome to visit him, and he could let her know about weather too- since figured out she didn't like storms at all which was good to let her know if any was rolling in nearby- plus he couldn't wander off from his territory too far away nor be away overly too long even if there are others that can keep watch for him. Before she left he made it clear he did view her as a friend since she asked how he viewed her, and she was pleased about his answer like he was pleased to hear she thought about him as a friend. It is proven that the two are friends by Alamar trading the decorative feathers for her actual feathers, that has replaced the decorative feathers that once were tied to his hair- and Feyre has his decorative feathers on her hair as well. Alamar looks forward seeing her and Juno. He'd never still in hundreds of years admit that he likes feeling her thick fur since it is different from his scales- also a snake thing. He wont dig deeper about any further topics about her nor any affections, it is best to keep how things are in his opinion.



[ A demon baby, Feyre's adopted child ]

Alamar came across the baby demon when was going through Feyre's territory that was outside of his. He found the baby hiding among plants and near a tree- assumed was hiding in a hole of some sort of but was peeking out most likely cause of heard the snake demon slither around. He was stunned to find Juno and understood at that moment why Feyre was keeping him away and was being so snippy. He was shooed off by Feyre when saw him close to Juno, he felt bad for stressing out the mother demon since never meant to bring any harm to the baby. He only got to properly meet Juno once he and Feyre apologized to each other and she was feeling more comfortable of introducing Juno to the snake. He was bit tense at first on how he should be around Juno, feared he might hurt her or piss of Feyre if did anything that would get the mother demon protective- luckily it didn't happen since Juno was quite curious of Alamar and he allowed the baby to come closer and take a look at him. She was adorable how she babbled and wanted to play with him. It was difficult at first how to play with Juno despite of him already having experience how to deal with human babies, it was still different though. It took him by surprise when Juno suddenly started calling him as a snake dad, it was cute but also he was unsure how to react to it. Was aware it was harmless but it complicated things since he wasn't sure if Juno should call him as that especially when isn't actually her father nor together with Feyre. He allowed it since it was harmless enough.



[ Other witch family's household demon ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Rosemary Blackburn

[ A witch from other family, feral photographer ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Fallen angel hiding in the Blackburn family ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Náhkol Lappalainen

[ Cyfrin's friend, leader of the friend group ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Ayla Kirsipuu

[ Cyfrin's friend, with interest towards stars and moons ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Sybil Morken

[ Cyfrin's friend, that witch that bakes a lot ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Asmo's relative, Sybil's household demon, younger trickster ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Penumbra Lockheart

[ Mutual, Cyfrin's friend and from a rarer family line ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Tolerates the warden ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Asmo's relative, also the warden's partner ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Greatly dislikes the archangel, wants them to stay away ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Enemy, sees them as a threat and must to get rid of ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ A threat ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ]

Unsure if more will be added, depends on if some relationships are worth writing out if there is something to write about or if it's that interesting to see from Alamar's point of view everyone he has came across with...

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