Daiki Imada



3 years, 2 months ago



Name Daiki Imada
Called Dai
Age 14
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Protagonist
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song link

Daiki is a young caring girl who loves nature. She's always had a close touch and relationship to it and prefers the raw natural world over the fake added on technology world she used to live in.


  • Nature
  • Gardening
  • Green
  • Outdoors


  • Indoors
  • Technology
  • Lasers
  • Red


Daiki is known to be a energetic, passionate girl who enjoys plants deeply. She doesn't take interest in technology and it's advancements but will only take note of them if they are affecting plants or nature in anyway. Her ideals didn't fit most children, making her appear to be a cast out, but she didn't give up. She works her hardest to be the best she can be, but has some downfalls, she's known to have a temper, and can be biased on certain things depending the topic. Nonetheless, Daiki labels these actions as "growth" and works to avoid acting like negatively.


Before coming close to nature, Daiki was a little girl with a lot of imagination and had no knowledge of nature. She had grown up in a world like ours, however, nature had been forgotten, and all of it's use had been converted into new forms of technology. Daiki didn't really care for technology, as she thought it was too much. One day, after finishing school and heading home, she saw a little seedling growing out of the sidewalk. Curious to examine it, she decided to move closer and figure out what it was. As she looked at the seedling, it sparked her curiosity on how the world was like, before technology had come along. Daiki sat their for a few minutes, enjoying the seedling until another girl then stepped on the seedling. The girl just so happened to be her school enemy. Laughing at Daiki, the girl brought her friends along and teased her about the seedling. Daiki felt miserable, as she had just seen a plant for the first time, and it's hopes had been destroyed. Daiki, blinking back tears ran home and locked her bedroom, and sat down on the side of her bed, sobbing. After crying for an unknown amount of time, she heard a noise coming from her closet. As she looked up, she saw a bright yellow glow coming from her closet door. Curious to figure out what it was, Daiki headed over to her closet door and opened it. Through this door, Daiki saw a world adorned in nature. Lush green forests, little creatures bouncing around having fun, it was the world before technology. But in the midst of all this, a human with deer antlers and deer tail stood before her, it simply stated. "Welcome Daiki. Please, come on in. We don't have much time." Daiki, being very confused and surprised, thought for a moment. "What can I do?" Daiki asked, the humanoid deer replies "You can either stay in your world, and live with the miserable technology, or come with me, into a world a beauty." Daiki took one step into the world, and sighed. "Can I ever go back?" The humanoid deer frowned "Only if you save ours." Daiki had several things running endlessly through her mind, but stopped to ask one more question. "What is wrong with your world?" The humanoid turned around before talking. "Thousands of years ago, both of these worlds were friends with one other and enjoyed each other well." He paused, to take a breath, then continued. "Over time this friendship had a few problems within. A human from your world shared rumors and lies about our world, causing our friendship to break. We felt betrayed and used after hearing this news, and much more shocked after they had called war upon us. We fought back with everything we could, but in the end we lost." Turning back around, the humanoid deer continued as he eyed a building through the window of the home. "After losing, we were forced to hide away, and close the portal between both realms. But we were still able to view the human world behind our barriers without them knowing. The humans continued to improve with this technology, and attacked us more with it. Very few humans however are against and were forced out of their world due to this." Daiki murmured under her breath. "No..." The humanoid deer continued further on. "We are at the peak of destruction, and we don't have much time left. With this time, we decided to look for humans, who had a belief in nature, and wanted to save it so that we had some allies to fight technology. That's how we found you." Daiki was shocked, and felt bad. "Please choose whether or not you would like to stay in your world or come with me. If you join us, you can help us find peace between both realms and bring us to friendship again. However, if you choose to stay, war may still go on and we may just become a childhood story. I will not force you to pick a certain, but you must decide now." Daiki's mind continued to fill with several ideas and things that could occur. But realizing that another world was at stake, she wanted to do what she could. "I'll come, but first, let me leave a note for my parents." The humanoid deer nodded as Daiki stepped back in her room to write a note for her parents. After writing it, she went inside the realm once more and her clothes were soon changed into what she is wearing now, the humanoid deer introduced himself as Makai, before the 2 continued their way into the realm, as the closet door shut behind them, sealing the entrance until the forest spirits would open it again. Now, Dai and Makai are on a quest. To bring peace between both realms before it's too late.



Makai Best Friend

The deer prince and the human get along very well. Sometimes due to Dai's attitude, Makai will call her a "Little Red Riding Hood". But overall she doesn't mind. Overtime, the two of them were able to forge a stronger bond and would both be devasted if one betrayed another.


Lagoon Friends

After making her way into the forest, Daiki comes across the water spirit. She finds her at first to be quite annoying as all she does is spend her time under the sea. But realizing that's her purpose and finally opening up to her, Lagoon is as bad as she thought.


Beatrix Neutral

Daiki is unaware of the light spirit's existence and was only able to learn about her through stories from the wood nymphs and other creatures. Daiki believes that the light's spirit is now gone with what had occured in previous wars, but light spirit can't go away that easily.


Leiana Frienemies

After meeting each other in the forest, the two of them didn't get along too well. Daiki really wasn't a fond of her using magic to regrow the world and Leiana found it too slow and annoying to plant everything one at a time. The only thing that's stopping them from arguing with one another is technology's advancement. Now that's something they hate more than each other's guts.


Honoka Rivals

Two people with two different passions which are currently against each other. Honoka is responsible for technology advancements ranging from weapondary to simple ordinary life work. Whilst Daiki is responsible for the evolution and growing of plants and wildlife. The two of them don't get along at all and anytime they're near each other, they won't acknowledge their existence.

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