Jeanne Delacroix (C0NSTANTS W2 AU)



6 years, 10 months ago


i don't know what i'm looking for
but i think i'll enjoy whatever i find
as long as i'm with you

【 Name 】 Jean Delacroix【 Gender 】 bigender
【 Age 】 30【 D.o.B. 】 July 1
【 Location 】 wanderer【 Race 】 Human
【 Role 】 wanderer【 Theme 】 ????
【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


A traveller, set on seeing what the rest of the world has to offer.

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

relaxed. lazy, unaggressive, goes with the flow. compassionate and sympathetic towards others, but very rarely knows what to do in scenarios where he is needed to comfort/help someone unless it is a physical thing that he can fix, like a fence or a window.

[ H I S T O R Y ]

The story so far...

In November of two years ago, Jean attended the fall festival purely as a guest, visiting various booths and meeting various people, such as Mary and Finch. While he strives for unity between the various factions, he doesn't actually have any ideas to do so, and doesn't have the skill set necessary to even do anything about the snow that piles up every December. An attempt to navigate the snow resulted in being caught in a mass of hair, and in the middle of an argument between factions, which gets resolved as he is saved from Azriel's hair.

On the plus side, Jean befriends the city judge, Misae, by offering to help clean her house. The two become unlikely friends, meeting up every week to hang out and chat. In the process of conversing with her, he slowly becomes more comfortable with being bigender. Misae donates a box of dresses to Jean, one of which he wears to the Valentine's Ball held by the City Council, his "date" being, of course, Misae. They get along like a married couple, despite not romantically dating.

Jean also befriends Alchemist Head Calypso in December, as she melts the snow by dying it various colors. They become great friends, and occasionally meet up afterwards to give Calypso a break from her paperwork and Jean a break from...whatever he's doing.

He also gets to know Adrien really well! He helped the artist with moving some canvases, and the two became good friends!

Unfortunately, the city's many attempts to unify are met with...disinterest? from the general populace, much to Jean's disappointment. As a freelancer, he helps around the city often, repairing Finch's window while he's gone, fixing up fences,even starting up a temporary frog-catching business. In July, he attempts to celebrate his birthday by having cake with all the friends he's made, but he's only able to make it to Misae's house before the storm gets any worse. Unable to leave, he camps out in Misae's house until the storm passes, then goes around the city helping fix things...again.

In an attempt to help guide the city towards unification, in preparation for the fall festival this year, Jean offers to carve pumpkins to give as gifts to all his friends, and invites everyone else to join him or do something similar. He also sets up a lost and found booth, for the things you lose and cannot find. When he's not attending to the booth, he's hanging out with Misae and Adrien, mostly, or his childhood friends, or can be seen grabbing coffee with Calypso (and forcing her to take a break from her duties as the Head of Alchemy. He's incredibly worried over her mental health, though he's not sure what he can do other than get her to take breaks every so often.

When the yearly snow returns, Jean basically lives in Misae's house with both Misae and Adrien. The three of them seem to have...something? going on, though Jean isn't too bothered about defining what that is exactly. When they emerge after the snow has melted, Jean, once again, goes back to work repairing things that have been damaged by the weather. He's...concerned, by all the trouble Enquitar has faced in the past year and the half, but is greatly cheered by the fact that the city seems to be leaning towards unity more than it did last year.

Unfortunately, that hope was lost, as the city descended into chaos when Caije ran for the role of Tinkerer Head. He was badly burned during her speech, when the robotic "Charlie" broke down and caused most of the stage to burn down. Following the attempted election, Adrien voices his desire to leave the city. Jean and Misae opt to follow him rather than stay, and the three of them tie up loose ends before departing.

They go wherever they wish to go, sometimes finding old friends in surprising places. It's been a good time.

Puck Goodfellow

[ friend ]

A long-time friend! They've been together since childhood. The faction tension put a strain on their friendship, but they've since put it behind them. They both left Enquitar after the attempted election, and enjoy catching up when they find each other in other cities.

Misae Ahn

[ friend / dating-ish ]

A good person. Very dear to Jean. She needs to stop giving them maple syrup tea though. The two of them and Adrien are traveling the world together.

Ryan Castro

[ council representative ]

Seems like a good person.

Calypso Detrevin

[ friend ]

A very good friend! Writes letters to Calypso during their travels, keeping them up to date on what they've seen/done.

Caije Detrevin

[ friend ]

Originally went back to Enquitar to check in on them, found them on accident in a city during their travels. Good friend. Visits as often as Misae and Adrien are willing, and sends letters to Caije when they're not in town.

Artie Carys

[ friend ]

Considers him a good person and a great sounding board for ideas. Doesn't understand his attraction to the silversmith though.

Alastar Silver

[ friend? ]

Why? Are? You? Like? This?

Adrien Sterling

[ friend / dating-ish ]

Really talented! Very dear to Jean. The two of them and Misae are traveling the world together.

  • Nicknames: J
  • 6'
  • hella gay
  • "Delacroix" means “of the cross” in French. it denoted one who lived near a cross symbol, or near a crossroads
  • his dad works at a small grocery store, his mom owns a company in Enquitar
  • seems to always be missing forks. he bought a set two years ago with Misae, and the forks keep showing up in strange places? but never where he needs them to be? like in his utensil drawer????
  • maple syrup is not a good replacement for sugar in tea
  • hasn't realized that Misae makes terrible tea
  • still a useless noodle, but is now a useless noodle with Misae and Adrien
  • gets nervous around anything robotic

Have you ever considered the existence of alternate universes?

What about parallel universes?

Worlds that co-exist alongside each other, connected only by the existence of certain people,

of certain constants.

No matter how different they may appear to be, there will always be constants that show up to bring about great changes.

City of Enquitar : steampunk AU

A city faces an internal crisis as it struggles to choose between various paths towards the future: to use tinkering to further advancements in technology, to use alchemy for a similar purpose, to use neither and continue with traditional values, or to attempt to combine everything together. Several debates, an attempt at a harmonious future made, and a few lives lost later, the city has seemingly receded back into its traditional values. Many members of the city have departed, hoping for better lives elsewhere.

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