Leucis Morthos



7 years, 5 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Leucis Morthos


Trouble, bunny (Briarra only), Handlebars (Bro only, dislikes)


22 y/o




115 lbs










June 28


Leucis is a tiefling who has lived a good portion of his life on his own on the streets. His mother, Kyrira, was murdered at the hands of his abusive and alcoholic father, Valxikas, at the age of 7. Being awake at the time of night that the murder occured, he grabbed his only possession, a blue stuffed rabbit, and ran away from home, living on the streets for weeks.

During the beginning of his new life, he briefly met Help'ja, who was on a mission for her church, offering a soup kitchen to the poor and needy. She took him in for meals when he would stop by. Their acquaintanceship was forgotten until they ran into each other again as adults.

He was later picked up by Berkley Whitflower, the leader of the Order of Ebonsong, a thieves' guild centered around stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He took him in and offered him a place in the Order. Leucis trained as a rogue under him, along with his biological daughter, Felicia. The two of them grew up together as adopted siblings, and Leucis occasionally called Berkley 'dad' when no one else was around. He was quite adept at his training, and quickly became one of the top trainee rogues in his class.

At the age of 16, he applied to the Lust Roost as an entertainment dancer. The Lust Roost was owned by Temptation, a trans woman tiefling who worked closely with Berkley and the Order. She was a mother figure of sorts to Leucis growing up, and despite her being concerned for his safety, she let him work there in order to earn extra money.

Soon after being hired at the Lust Roost, he met a customer that would soon be his regular client; Brokarian Neyartar, a drow elf. After getting to know him better, Leucis found out that Bro was a new recruit to the Order as well. The two of them became fast friends, and soon after fast boyfriends. Bro had swept Leucis off his feet, making him feel like a 'masterpiece', as Bro put it while he sketched his naked form frequently.

A few months of being treated like royalty, however, soon turned into constant arguments, belittlement, violence, and insult. Bro kept his relationship with Leucis secret from the rest of the order by convincing Leucis that Berkley would disown him if he found out about such a 'scandal'. This was purposefully so that no one would find out about Bro's continuous abuse of him, including making him run errands and fetch ingredients for his alchemy practices.

2 years into the relationship, Bro took Leucis to a boat that was docked at the pier of Stremvole and unoccupied between trips for his 18th birthday. The two of them snuck onto the ship and explored. Bro revealed his true intentions which were to have sex on the boat, and Leucis adamantly refused, not being in the mood. Bro proceeded to lock Leucis in one of the cabins and rape him, using clawed gloves that were given to him by the Order for wall climbing on his waist. Leucis still has the scars from this traumatic event. He ran away from Stremvole a few days later after he was recovered enough from his injuries.

After 4 years of living as a pickpocketer traveling from town to town, he attempted to hang himself in an inn room, but the rope snapped when he stepped off the stool, leaving him a sobbing mess on the floor. The next day, starving and desperate, he attempted to pickpocket an orc barbarian woman named Briarra. After seeing his boldness, she offered him a position as a scout for her troop in the Ice Daggers.