


6 years, 11 months ago


5/31/17. A soft, shy baby. Fruitfly's very gentle and needs to be treated as such. Due to being very sheltered from the real world, he has little idea of how anything works and it can get him very stressed and upset if he thinks about it too much or is thrown into the fray. Not one to do others harm and can be easily traumatized by most things. Everything about him is sort of relaxed and muffled, reflecting his laid-back lifestyle. Tends to speak softly and never be in a hurry to do anything. Has little to no responsibility and that's about what he can handle.

His inner ear, sclera, mouth, and blood are the same color. Claws and teeth are the same color, making his jaws bi-colored. His neck is type 2: fluff. Autumn born. Tail is horse-like.

Fly is certainly not the most valuable under the Queen. Most of his time is spent in the throne room, lazily lying around and giving her company. It's implied that she's very fond of him, though, so his position isn't likely to change in the near future, which he's honestly fine with.