


6 years, 11 months ago


5/31/17. Ronan's a strange mix. He's known to brag and draw attention to himself, but not constantly. There seem to be certain days when his personality shifts to the almost flirty, sassy one. Other days, he's mainly neutral, hanging back, not saying much of anything, and appearing more focused. No matter the day, he's pretty talkative and loves to chatter with anyone who's willing. Extroverted, so talking more keeps him happy. Split between being active and able to stand as still as a statue for ages. Ronan's known to overwork himself and not say much about it, taking longer shifts then are nessisary for no clear reason. Because of this, he often has to take off days to recuperate. Him taking breaks would be less of a problem if the workaholic didn't creep out sometimes to keep working. He's not good about keeping still unless it's deemed his job to be, making him not great about taking some time to chill. Starts to get fidgety and miserable when he's bored, so there needs to be a balance.

His inner ear, sclera, mouth, and blood are the same color. Claws and teeth are the same color. His neck is type 4: long tufts. Autumn born.

Patrols the entrance and any nearby roads that lead towards it for any signs or danger or newcomers. Supposed to be during the day, but sneaks in some night shifts sometimes. Due to his unpredictable nature, a guard is always to be posted while he's out. He talks big about his abilities, but that all goes away when he's out. Goes super focused and serious, flinching at every sound like a wild animal. He's a good scout, but he panics easily. His confidence in people not seeing him and how he can handle situations went away and was replaced with several scars.