


6 years, 10 months ago


5/31/17. Just another laid-back, slightly drowsy member of the court with a dash of mom friend. Cozy likes to make sure everybody's comfortable and warm at all times. Warmth is very important to him. This results in a lot of blanket nests and heated drinks. Most of the time, he isn't aware of the grand scheme of things. This has been deemed for the better. If he discovers that someone is in a place where they could be upset or hurt or cold, he will begin to worry and/or pace about, not calming down until this problem is fixed. Seems to only get more and more antsy the longer he cannot help this person that isn't happy to the point that he himself will become miserable and unable to sleep. When finally able to care for said neglected person, he's likely to do it for too long or check up on them too frequently. Friendly and pretty casual in most situations.

His inner ear, sclera, mouth, and blood are the same color. Claws and teeth are the same color. His neck is type 8: royal fluff. Winter born. Has a mane running down his back and tufts of fur on his hips, the former being a mutation

Cozy's "job" isn't considered official as of yet because the Queen doesn't wish to pressure him into doing it. He was supposed to be the type to just sit around, after all. The thing is, he loves tidying up the place. Cleaning is pretty much his hobby while the court is his outlet. It's mostly centered around sleeping and living areas as well as dishes sometimes. He's very, very reluctant to deal with anything much dirtier than dust, especially since it could get caught in his abundance of fur and never come out. Also prefers not to do anything wet since soggy fur's both cold and smells gross.