Kikuko Kawakami (Relationships)



6 years, 5 months ago


Kikuko Kawakami (Relationships)

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Dazai Osamu

Dazai is someone that Kikuko couldn't understand. When they first met, Kikuko was quite put off by his general behavior and due to this she advoided him. Hardly offened by this, the male liked to tease her due to her shyness and due to this she quickly grew used to his behavior. Finding her curt and to the point answers rather amusing, he ould often engage her in whimsical conversations. While she would often appeared annoyed when in his presence, overtime she grew to consider him a friend and has shown to worry about him, especially after hearing of Oda's death. Kikuko has noted to react quite well upon hearing of Dazai's defection from the mafia, feeling a sense of happiness instead of anger which is shown when they first see each other in four years. While she has no problem in seeing him if he needs a favor from her, she has stated that if there were to ever see each other in battle then he must treat her as an enemy, something they both understand. Their relationship is complicated to say the least.

Kyouka Izumi

Meeting her through Kouyou, Kikuko couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for the girl as she reminded of a doll which unnerved her. The two were not close as Kyouka was extremely distant and Kikuko didn't know how to handle her which limited their intereactions to when the two had to work together. Depsite this, Kikuko was quite happy seeing her acting much happier after joining the armed detective agency.

Yosano Akiko

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Chuya Nakahara

Chuya has always been a permanent fixture in her life. Meeting when they werre fifteen, the two seemed to click over their dislike of being the targets for Dazai's antics. While she was shy at time, Kikuko seemed to have little trouble in getting along with Chuya as she found his friendliness genuine and conforting resulting in her being with him when she couldn't stay by Kouyou's and due to this was also with Dazai too. She mainly served as a mediator during this time as she was good at calming Chuya down when Dazai got to him. Chuya was one of the few Kikuko actively talked too in her younger years due to her shyness causing her to clam up when speaking to others which was something he took pride in. He is undaunted by her rather blunt way of speaking and grows to appericate her honesty and the fact that there was no hidden intentions when she worked with him. The two have shown to have great trust in each other that has been tested and earned with each other fully comforted by the fact that the other has their back and work well when fighting together, being noted that Chuya is particularly protective of her in this regard. For Chuya, Kikuko makes him feel human and gives him a sense of happiness that he never thought he would be able to feel.

Kouyou Ozaki

Kikuko has a great amount of respect for the older female and even considers her as an older sister figure in her life as she took care of her once her parents died. One of the few people she is able to converse with without coming off as callous, the two have an excellent relationship with one another. Kikuko tends to speak with her when she's feeling troubled or just seeks out her company while Kouyou doesn't mind doting on her here and there, much to Kikuko's embrassement as she quietly jokes that she isn't a little girl anymore.

Mori Ougai

Kikuko has shown to respect Mori solely due to the fact that he is her boss but other than that she is quite indifferent towards him as he is to her causing them to speak only when need be.

Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Kikuko is rather indifferent to the male, finding his bloodlust and lack of remose involving killing something she herself cannot understand and refuses to get behind. However the woman can't help but feel an inkling of pity for him and tries her hardest to be nice to him but it is usually met with aloofness.

Ineko Sata

At first these two didn't get along. With the younger girl finding her quietness intimidating and equally curt way of speaking even more off putting, Ineko was cautious around her which Kikuko noticed and, being Kikuko, conforted her about it. Surprised by this, Ineko ruefully admited that she found her scary to which Kikuko tried to clear up with the fact that she was just shy in talking to people, causing her to come off as intimidating. Clearing up this misunderstanding with Ineko coming out of her shell as she grew and Kikuko learning how to conversate, the two develop a casual student teacher realationship as Ineko began her suboardinate and right hand man. Ineko loves to tease her as she finds her reactions to certain things rather cute.

Yasushi Inoue

Given to her after much convincing from Dazai, Kikuko at frist found him troublesome with his lack of control and his recklessness equally annoying. Giving him a bout of tough love, Kikuko ignored any complaint he had as she attempted to rid him of these flaws and polish up his skills. While she has minimal success concerning his unusual love of fire and fear of ice, she was proud in the fact that the male slowly grew out of his recklessness and became of thoughtful of his actions. Kikuko has shown to be indifferent to his brutality and bout of self indugleness concerning his likes. If anything, the female has a strange sense of fondness for him as she often leaves medical supplies for him after their training sessions. While he is enivous of the fact that she can still feel things despite her ability unlike him, Yasushi does hold respect for her and has alluded to seeing her more as an older sibling than his teacher.


Kikuko is quite unsure as to why Elise likes her so much but she doesn't really question it. Using her as an excuse to have the woman take her out and about, Kikuko doesn't particularly mind indugling her in this as the younger girl does not mind her curt way of speaking, in fact she finds amusement in her answers to anything she happens to ask her as Kikuko tends to take them seriously when answering her.

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