Spilled Ink



3 years, 2 months ago


Spilled Ink

Druid • Tabaxi • Chaotic Neutral

Spilled Ink
22 years
cis male
lean and small
chaotic neutral

"Hello there- you're not going to kidnap me too, are you?"

Ink is an avid collector of various good luck charms, in hopes that he will bring good luck to himself after being condemmed from his tabaxi tribe for being an unlucky black cat. However he is quite excitable and genuinely enjoys his human conncetion, despite appearing rather self centered most of the time. As a tabaxi, Ink also exhibits many cat like tendancies, most notably his trait of terrible curiousity which can often land him in trouble.

Relationships (TBA)


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Spilled Ink (Ink) was born as a young kit in a litter to the noble family of his clan, named as such because he was fully black, and his family thought he would be a bad omen to their kingdom (black cats were always known to bring bad luck). It wasn’t difficult to pretend like he didn’t exist to the commoners considering his brother’s and sisters were also born royalty and could outshine him in his place. The problem was that he was the first born, the heir. Ink’s family believed that he would bring even more bad luck if he were killed, so they named his sister, Silver Storm (Silver) the firstborn and hid Ink away.

At first, Ink was unaware of any of the issues surrounding him and his supposed bad luck. He became very close with his youngest sister, Light Feather (Feather), and they would often spend their time playing hide and seek in the treehouse-palace. He was always reminded to stay inside by his family, and any questions about it always led to stern lectures about how he was allowed to question anyone and anything but his parents, and that his parents were just trying to keep him safe. Cats are naturally curious creatures after all.

But that was just it. Ink couldn’t hold back his curiosity. He wanted to know what was outside the palace among the tropical trees, so one night he snuck out and met a commoner named Black Chains (Chains). Chains also happened to be a black cat-and he was missing an eye too, wearing an eyepatch on his left eye- but unlike Ink, he had a small white spot on his forehead. The two hit off almost instantly, and Ink was confused as to what his parents were trying to protect him from. Unfortunately, it was only soon after that he found out why. Another commoner had spotted the two in the woods and brought back a mob to attack Ink. Fully black cats were much more frightening than those like Chains who at least had a speckle of other color.

Soon, the noble family became aware of the mob, and while Chains was trying to help Ink, there was only so much he could do. Arriving just in time, the noble family brought Ink back to the trees and started to nurse him back to health, finally telling the clan of their unlucky kit with no other choice. Ink was in a coma for almost a month before he woke up, and when he did, he finally got the truth. He still however, wasn’t allowed to go outside because they still feared his danger. So, in secret Ink started plotting how he would get away.

Ink still visited Chains after he woke up, however. Chains had actually been very worried and kept returning to the same spot each night, hoping Ink would return. When he did, Chains kept reminding Ink to stay safe, and kept him informed on the stances of the various commoners on his nobility. It was when Ink was nineteen that he was finally able to escape, and he visited Chains before he left, hoping he would come with him. But Chains, as much as he loved Ink, didn’t want to leave the clan behind, however flawed it was. So, the two parted ways, hoping they would see each other again someday.

Ink began to travel, curious and intrigued by the new world before him and enjoying his time among the forests and foliage. He learned of Druidic magic from the forests. To counter his supposed bad luck, he collected various “lucky charms” over the years, adding to his charm bracelet as he got each new thing. He completed his charm set with the charm on his charm bracelet depicting a number 7 after a few years, looking quite eccentric with his various piercings as well.

It was also around this time that Ink took away to many forests, hoping to discover different parts of himself. It was there that he learned the magic and language of the forest, learning Druidry from nature around him. Living alongside animals and nature also gave him a new appreciation for Druidry and nature, sort of feeling as though he was one with all of them as well, different and away from much of modern society (at least outside of his travels to towns for cool items and trinkets). In seeing himself as a part of nature, he seems a bit "wild" to others, namely in the way he tends to walk and act, and also sets himself apart with his lack of self awareness.

Present day (Campaign)


  • Ink is afraid of heights.
  • Most of Ink's trinkets and accessories relate to some sort of good luck symbol
  • Ink has a small swarm of ladybugs that he keeps for companionship, but his favorite ladybug is named Sally and she is the only one with 7 black dots.
  • Ink finds housecats quite disturbing.
  • Ink is short but ends up looking even shorter because he usually just walks close to the ground (this is because he sorta just climbs up random things like an actual cat sometimes too).
  • He is an absolute hoarder.
  • Ink will eat almost anything but likes seafood and specifically crab the most.
  • One time, Ink got blackout drunk and when he was conscious again, he had more money than he started with. This incident concerns him to this day.
  • Ink LOVES to play chess but is absolutely awful at the game. He challenges his teammates to matches a lot only to end up losing to beginners most of the time.
  • Unsurprisingly, Ink really enjoys camping
  • Ink is a late sleeper. He usually enjoys night a lot more, so mistakenly stays up late with little thought to the consequences of of tiredness in the morning.
  • He spends WAY too much money on useless trinkets and items but still finds himself enjoying every single one despite how useless it might be.
  • Ink is a Hufflepuff
  • He enjoys his friends a lot, and despite his otherwise questionable moral standards, Ink would never cheat in games with his friends. If he were playing for money though, he would cheat to get more money.
  • Ink has a lizard onesie
  • Due to being a tabaxi, Ink has many cat-like traits, but hating water is not one of them: he really enjoys water for whatever reason.

Relationships (TBA)


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