₄₆ | Ceridwen



3 years, 2 months ago



Name Ceridwen
Alias The Scarlet Sailor
Age 17 Years
DoB Plumet. Exact Date Unknown
Gender Non-Binary [they/them]
Sexuality ???
Height 5'3
Build Mesomorph
Race Tiefling, Bloodline of Glasya
Class Rogue, Swashbuckler
Alignment Chaotic Good
Background Pirate
Main Weapon Rapier
Level 4


Owner @HeraDollie
Designer HeraDollie
Creator HeraDollie
Coding Eggy
Obtained Created.
Value $30




  • Card Games
  • Fighting [especially close-range]
  • Apple Cider
  • Uneven hair


  • The color red
  • People who run away
  • Straying off-task
  • Reading


When it comes to Ceridwen, there is a lot to unpack. Ceridwen is the kind of person that is not easy to enjoy upon first impression. They are brash, lousy with words, and quick to disagree with people if they do something they do not like. Ceridwen does not like to stay quiet and will give their opinion about anything, even when unwarranted. Ceridwen often doesn't understand when people dislike them because of this, though. For a Rogue like them to show integrity and look out for the better of people, what is there not to like? Arguably, Ceridwen's density can come across as arrogant, especially when crossed with their pride in their capabilities as a fighter. Ceridwen thinks they are badass as fuck and every time they make a flashy kill, they just have to show it off. They didn't train all their life to not be epic, after all! While they often make bad first impressions, it does not take long for people to realize one simple fact: Ceridwen is young.

There is a lot they have not discovered about themselves or the world that they are still learning about. Ceridwen is the embodiment of ignorance is bliss, especially when it comes to a lot of the more controversial aspects of Arcadia. Ceridwen has no idea and is just exploring the land at their own pace. Social expectations? Stereotypes? They don't really know anything. When they judge people, most of it is personal rather than something related to society. Ceridwen is a non-comformist through and through, especially given that they spent most of their live out on the sea. They are adventurous! Even though they were throw out of the Krosk seas with no preparation, Ceridwen has taken comfort in the risk they take on their adventures. They are not afraid to play dirty to get by, but they strongly follow a moral code while doing so. Ceridwen tries their best not to pickpocket from people in need and even if they were broke themselves, they will give a hand to people in need. Ceridwen is not trying to be heroic, they just believe it's what should be done. Fuck the rich after all!

Most of Ceridwen's moral code come from their life experiences. They haven't ever read a book in their lives, so all their knowledge is from learning. Ceridwen is a very loyal person, especially when it comes to their morals. They may be a shitty person and a criminal, but at least they won't steal from struggling businesses. They're good like that, you see. On the topic of money... Ceridwen has become very stingy. Ever since they were left to fend for themselves on land, they became very reluctant to buy luxury items, and arguably even some necessities. Ceridwen is not scared to live off of stealing from people. Their only rules?

1. Never steal on your home turf 2. Do not steal from poor people 3. Do not steal from party members

You get the idea. They're just Ceridwen!


Currently, not much is known about Ceridwen's origins. These are all the known facts.

In Character

  • They spent a lot of their life out on the seas
  • They are quite stingy
  • They still go by she/her at this point in time
  • They do not like to assume leadership roles and will often follow Finch Waterwall
  • They are severely afraid of drowning/having their bodily movement restricted
  • They are very adamant about covering their face, so much so the other party members rarely see their face
  • They are secretive about their last name
  • They learned their skills for fighting and stealing at a very younge age
  • The jobs from the Adventure Guild are their fisrt "legal" means of obtaining money

Out of Character

  • Ceridwen was a pirate
  • They spent most of their life in the oceans near Krosk
  • They are only 17 years old
  • They are not on the best terms with their former crew
  • The color red is tied in with their lore


  • They love the color indigo
  • Ceridwen carries around many weapons but seems to only use their rapier
  • Their favorite card game is Go Fish, which they are notably skilled at
  • Ceridwen refuses to drink alcohol
  • Their old leather armor is stashed in their guild room, just in case they need backup. It is slightly too big for them.
  • The coat, pants, and boots they wear are stolen. Ceridwen is slowly purchasing their own attire.
  • They cut their hair by themselves. It is painfully uneven. Ceridwen cuts it like that for comfort under the hood... also because it's drippy.
  • Despite enjoying food, they always eat the cheap items off the menu. A lot of vegetable soup.
  • They wake up early in the morning but can also be seen with an erratic sleep schedule.
  • They are very adamant on not carrying much because it makes it easier to move.

Spilled Ink

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