


3 years, 1 month ago



Species Magnamon

Gender Male

Orientation Straight

Allegiance Royal Knights

Tamer Eikou Ryder

EN Voice Actor Steve Blum / Derek S. Prince

JP Voice Actor Mamoru Miyano

HTML Pinky


A true Knight like in the fairy tales, Veevay is level-headed, serious, and devoted to his duties and masters as a Royal Knight. There are times he has a short-fuse, especially regarding his current situation stuck as a Veemon and over the dramatic antics of his comrade-in-arms Crusadermon. He sometimes butts heads with his hot-headed Tamer Eikou when it comes to certain tactics, with Veevay trying to patiently think things through while the more childish Eikou is ready to act. The result is usually him reeling her in, unless there’s a chancla involved or the other digimon drag him into their juvenile shenanigans. Despite their differences, Veevay grows to appreciate Eikou for standing by him and having someone to relate to after the loss of most of the Royal Knights while Eikou deals with the loss of her father. During their quest, they learn to face their inner demons.

Digital World Record

Fresh Chibomon

In-Training DemiVeemon

Rookie Veemon

Champion Devidramon

Ultimate DexDorugreymon

X-Antibody Magnamon X

Alternate Evo Lines


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Order
  • Training
  • Traveling
  • Eating
  • Collecting souvenirs
  • Miniature wood carving


  • Dishonesty
  • Being powerless
  • Admitting he is wrong
  • Darkness
  • Chaos



Magnamon is one of the Royal Knights created by Yggdrasil, who are led by Alphamon. Shortly after their creation, infected digimon from an unknown world start invading the Digital World. After investigating the source, the Royal Knights launched an attack to end the threat, however all of them are immediately overpowered. Magnamon was forcefully de-digivolved into Veemon, his crest/armor absorbed by one of the infected. The weakened Knights attempt to flee through a portal (not knowing where it led, just to get out of danger) but only Veemon makes it out. He ends up landing into the Real World, wounded. An infected Airdramon however pursues him to finish the job.

Later that same day, Eikou is charged with cleaning her room and suddenly hears a crash from outside. Assuming it’s some raccoons, she heads for the dumpster only to find the wounded Veemon inside. Before she can question him, he runs off.

She later runs into him escaping Animal Control and bails him out to learn more about him. He introduces himself as a Royal Knight who lost his armor, and after some confusion about his current form and how to properly address him, Eikou gives him the nickname Veevay. The Airdramon that was initially chasing the Knight shows up and Eikou helps him defeat it. Afterwards Eikou receives a digivice and reluctantly agrees to help Veevay restore balance to the Digital World, as it would be something her father would do.













Eikou first meets Veevay shortly after he is defeated by corrupted Digimon and materializes in the Real World during his escape. She helps him with food and shelter, and helps him defeat one of the enemy Digimon dispatched to finish him off. It is through their teamwork that they become partners and Eikou reluctantly agrees to help Veevay reclaim his Crest of Miracles and restore order to the Digital World. At first, things are awkward between them as Eikou learns what it means to be a Tamer and the two slightly clash over different ideals; Veevay being more calm and calculated while the hot headed Eikou is ready to act. Despite this, they maintain a mutual understanding and a good working relationship, until they have a brief falling out after Veevay digivolves to Ultimate and hurts her in a bloodlust rage. Eventually they open up about their individual trauma regarding the loss of Veevay’s brethren and Eikou’s father. It is then they come up with a pact to face their inner demons together and their bond becomes stronger. Veevay is usually the one to reign Eikou in when she’s ready to fight and encourages her to think more rationally, unless there’s a chancla involved. Eikou on the other hand teaches Veevay to think for himself and to let loose once in a while. Veevay views Eikou as a worthy comrade-in-arms and a fellow Royal Knight. He will sometimes affectionately refer to her as his princess.



While the two are both part of the Royal Knights and Eikou’s partner Digimon, Veevay and Ribbons could not be more different. Ribbons’ boasting, teasing, and overall dramatic antics constantly aggravate Veevay to no end, while Ribbons views the Magnamon as a huge stick in the mud and lacking any grace. As a result, Eikou is often the reluctant mediator between the two. Despite the hostility between them, both secretly admire the other’s strengths and talents, but they would never say it aloud. When push comes to shove, both will put aside their differences to help Eikou when she is in trouble. Over time, Ribbons and Veevay’s bond grows stronger thanks to their adventures with Eikou, but they still share a very typical sibling relationship.