Eikou Ryder



3 years, 2 months ago


Eikou Mia Ryder

Gender Female

Nationality Latina American

Age 18

Orientation Bisexual

Residency California, USA

Occupation Digimon Tamer

EN Voice Actor Michelle Ruff

JP Voice Actor Miyuki Sawashiro

Theme Heartful Cry

HTML Pinky


Eikou is a young woman who likes to crack jokes, spew sarcasm, and crack heads. While she is guarded around strangers, those who earn her trust and friendship are met with a caring and fiercely loyal individual. On the other hand, those who earn her ire usually end up with a chancla thrown at their face accompanied by a colorful string of Spanish words. Behind her seemingly confident and tough personality, Eikou suffers from severe depression and PTSD after losing her father and being placed in the foster system, but wears a mask to hide that part of herself as she's afraid of hurting others. She deeply struggles with finding her place in life and ultimately finding a new family.

Upon finding a Digimon in her back alley dumpster, Eikou is suddenly thrust into a large scale conflict within the Digital World. While she is hesitant to get involved at first, she ultimately decides to help the Royal Knights restore balance as it would be something her father would do.

Digital World Record

Digimon Partner(s) Veevay & Ribbons

Crest Courage

Allegiance Royal Knights


  • Ribbons is Eikou's second partner for storylines that allow multiple digimon partners


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Jujutsu
  • The Ocean
  • Reading (Especially cheesy romance novels)
  • Astrology
  • Doodling
  • Sleeping in


  • Hurting others
  • Being a burden
  • Being alone or abandoned
  • Waking early
  • Bugs
  • Studying
  • Inactivity


  • Bites cuticles
  • Unable to sit still
  • Odd sense of humor
  • Short-tempered
  • Talks loudly
  • Judges other people too quickly
  • Knows a lot of useless trivia
  • Will do anything for close friends and family


  • Wallet (Debit card, ID, old receipts, movie theater ticket stubs)
  • Sunglasses
  • Phone, headphones, charger
  • Hair ties, lip balm, makeup bag, gum
  • Nail clippers, nail file
  • Switchblade
  • Notebook and pen for doodling, also holds postcards from travels



Eikou was raised by single father Edward Ryder, a US Navy SEAL, who named her after a fellow Navy SEAL. Her Latin American mother passed away when Eikou was very young. In fact, Eikou does not remember her and Edward does not talk too much about her. Despite this, Edward is a loving, doting father and the two develop a close father/daughter relationship. Given Edward was active-duty, the two moved around quite often so it was hard for Eikou to make friends at times.

Unfortunately, war broke out overseas the same year and Edward was drafted. In an ambush, Edward was shot and later passed from his wounds. With no relatives, Eikou ends up going into the adoption system. She becomes overwhelmed with grief and anger, and is afraid of getting close to anyone ever again so she pushes others away. As a result she ends up becoming a problematic child and no one wants to adopt her. She ends up joining a group of other problematic kids and causes trouble. It goes too far when she gets into a fight with a younger kid and pushes him down a flight of stairs, which ends with him in the hospital. So the system has her go to a camp that rehabilitates problem children.

At first Eikou is intolerable. She feels remorse over hurting another kid, but was still too upset and angry to listen. At camp she takes up Jujutsu, where a hispanic coach named Wavery begins to teach her and instill discipline. She lectures and counsels Eikou, stating her grief is normal, but taking it out on others will not bring her father back, and she will end up becoming the people who killed her father if she continues down the path she’s on. Eikou finally starts to heal and develops a close bond with Wavery. Even after Eikou leaves camp, feeling more like her old self, she asks to join the Jujutsu team Wavery coaches outside of camp.

Though she feels immensely better, Eikou still deals with anger/depression issues, but wears a mask to hide that side of herself, more or less afraid of hurting anyone else because of those emotions.

Meeting Veevay

Eikou is one day charged with cleaning her room and suddenly hears a crash from outside. Assuming it’s some raccoons, she heads for the dumpster only to find the wounded Veemon inside. Before she can question him, he runs off.

She later runs into him escaping Animal Control and bails him out to learn more about him. He introduces himself as a Royal Knight who lost his armor, and after some confusion about his current form and how to properly address him, Eikou gives him the nickname Veevay. The Airdramon that was initially chasing the Knight shows up and Eikou helps him defeat it. Afterwards Eikou receives a digivice and reluctantly agrees to help Veevay restore balance to the Digital World, as it would be something her father would do.

Meeting Ribbons

Eikou is grounded for "skipping" school the day she becomes Veevay's tamer. A week later, while being confined to her quarters, Veevay senses a digimon fight. Unable to leave him, Eikou follows and the two find a Crusadermon fighting infected digimon, which Veevay recognizes as one of his Royal Knight comrades. After defeating the enemy digimon, Crusadermon catches up with the newly christened Veevay and agrees to join forces with him and his new Tamer Eikou since their goals align for now. Crusadermon obtains the nickname “Ribbons” after complaining that his comrade got a nickname but he didn’t. Unfortunately, that was the best Eikou could come up with on the spot, much to Crusadermon's dismay at the lack of creativity.


While not nearly as strong as her digimon, Eikou can hold her own to an extent when the going gets tough. Thanks to her Jujutsu training and even self defense lessons from her father, Eikou is great at defending herself. Her boldness has even gotten her into the fray, helping her digimon when they are down and distracting the enemy until her partners can get back on their feet and finish the fight.


Eikou suffers from PTSD and depression, so if something triggers her, she will have a panic attack. She is also quite stubborn and hot headed, which can get her into situations she can’t get out of. She tends to hide her depression behind a mask and will bottle her emotions until she explodes.




Edward Ryder







Eikou first meets Veevay shortly after he is defeated by corrupted Digimon and materializes in the Real World during his escape. She helps him with food and shelter, and helps him defeat one of the enemy Digimon dispatched to finish him off. It is through their teamwork that they become partners and Eikou reluctantly agrees to help Veevay reclaim his Crest of Miracles and restore order to the Digital World. At first, things are awkward between them as Eikou learns what it means to be a Tamer and the two slightly clash over different ideals; Veevay being more calm and calculated while the hot headed Eikou is ready to act. Despite this, they maintain a mutual understanding and a good working relationship, until they have a brief falling out after Veevay digivolves to Ultimate and hurts her in a bloodlust rage. Eventually they open up about their individual trauma regarding the loss of Veevay’s brethren and Eikou’s father. It is then they come up with a pact to face their inner demons together and their bond becomes stronger. Veevay is usually the one to reign Eikou in when she’s ready to fight and encourages her to think more rationally, unless there’s a chancla involved. Eikou on the other hand teaches Veevay to think for himself and to let loose once in a while. Veevay views Eikou as a worthy comrade-in-arms and a fellow Royal Knight. He will sometimes affectionately refer to her as his princess.



At first Ribbons isn’t interested in Eikou as he is more preocuppied with restoring his own pride and getting revenge on the enemy digimon who humiliated him. He only joins forces with her given she is the Tamer of a fellow surviving Royal Knight and their goals align for the moment. After he is forced to de-digivolve to Meicoomon, he is surprised to find Eikou remaining by his side, stating he is still cute even in his weaker form and resolves to help him just as she’s helping Veevay. He eventually becomes more interested in her plight, especially after Eikou’s own trauma is brought to the surface, and even goes as far to cheer her up. After sympathizing with each other over how they both wear a mask to conceal their feelings and agreeing to lean on each other without judgement, the two become official partners. Ribbons as a result is incredibly fond over Eikou and will dote on her to no end, much to Eikou’s embarrassment. He affectionately calls her his princess and the one thing worth fighting for in his life, other than himself. While Eikou does become exasperated with Ribbons’ antics, she deeply cares for and loves her eccentric Digimon partner.