Cynthia Tempest



6 years, 10 months ago


Cynthia Tempest

"I have a few thoughts on the matter, myself."

  •  Name   Cynthia Tempest 
  •  Age   21 
  •  Height   5'10" 
  •  Occupation   Mercenary 
  •  Sexuality   Lesbian 
  •  Affiliation The Blue Shields 
  • Cynthia is a former footsoldier who now acts as the tactician of The Blue Shields. She seems to always have a plan up her sleeve.

  • A busy-minded individual, Cynthia devotes her spare time to writing, reading, and coming up with new ideas for tactics. She has a strong sense of morals and work ethic. Her parents taught her that even one good deed can make all the difference in another's life. Cynthia tries to follow this philosophy to the best of her ability. 

  • When Cynthia has a problem, she has a hard time coming to others and asking for help. She is insecure when it comes to her martial prowess, wanting to perfect herself with her lance. There have been many nights where she's reflected on her journey, wondering if she's truly making a difference.
She cares deeply for her fellow Shields, considering them her second family. 

  •  Backstory 
  • Cynthia grew up in the small town of Ara's Cove. Her parents tried their best to provide for her on their own, but the fish stall they owned could barely sustain themselves. Cynthia's parents had to rely on the community for aid. As an adolescent, Cynthia worked at her parents' stall while they were out on the bay.
  • On slow days, Cynthia would read any books she could get her hands on. She used the spare money she'd earned to buy books off of traveling merchants, taking in all the knowledge she could. Her favorites included tactics and survival manuals.

    When she was old enough, Cynthia joined the town guard as a battlefield tactician. Life in Ara's Cove was quiet and safe, but monotonous for a woman who had never left her hometown.

    Cynthia awoke one night to cannon fire, finding her town besieged by brigands. She met up with her militia only to find herself outnumbered in a losing fight. Cynthia was captured and brought aboard the pirates' ship. In the same cell sat Rhae Deepwater, who was passing through when the battle began. The duo freed themselves, Cynthia leading Rhae down into the powder magazine. Lighting a delayed fuse, they were able to escape, destroying the ship in the process. After the battle, Rhae asked Cynthia to join her mercenary company. For her, it was an easy answer.

    As part of The Blue Shields, Cynthia is the group's tactician. She's passionate about what she and her companions are doing, and hopes she can change the world for the better.
  •  Rhae Deepwater Girlfriend 
    Cynthia had been harboring a crush on Rhae since shortly after they began travelling together. Rhae was Cynthia's first close companion, and she knows she can come to Rhae with anything that bothers her. Cynthia loves and trusts her partner wholeheartedly, and would do almost anything for her.
  •  Essa Allard   Friend 
    Cynthia and Essa bonded over their love of books. When in a major city, one of the first places the two will travel to is a bookstore. Using her survival knowledge, Cynthia also helps Essa gather medicinal ingredients while on the road.
  •  Beth Morris Friend 
    Beth and Cynthia used to frequently get into arguments over Beth's thievery. Cynthia has learned to accept it, justifying it as for the greater good, and turns a blind eye.
  •  x x
  •  "Insert Question Here" 
  •  "Insert Question Here"
  •  "Insert Question Here"
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Rhae twirls her hair around her fingers as she thinks.
    • ● She snorts when she laughs, which embarrasses her.

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