Max Oddwood



3 years, 5 months ago


! this profile includes themes of clinical depression.
 ⛆。. ゚ 

Maximillian Forest Oddwood
[also known as Max, Maximillian, oddball]
gender: male [he/him]
age: 12 years old
birthdate: November 13th
place of residence: RR 2 Box 5, Idlewild
occupation: student, Eggnog Elementary

status: alive, adopted by Marcus

   He's just some random kid bro. Okay kidding- but if you were to ask Max to describe himself as an introduction, that would basically be it. While it's true Max is a bit more quiet, he's a kid who is actually pretty amusing! If you sit next to him you’ll hear the boy say plenty of witty words and lines. 
   Someone who is pretty silly and humorous, Max is very much like comic relief between his loved ones! He's often one to casually say a witty line or two. Or he could also be someone who would go around doing randomly goofy acts for his own and other’s entertainment. Anything to lighten up the mood! However, even though Max isn’t one to shy away from jesting, he isn’t someone who is loud or obnoxious. If you take away the comical side of him, you might find that Max is actually pretty mellowed out in general. He’s someone who seems easygoing and laid-back most of the time, someone who just goes with the flow of his friends. A little down-to-earth, but certainly enjoys having fun and joining in his friend’s antics. 
     . . . it used to be that way. Once school is over, Max looks forward to simply stay in his home and lie down in his room. Most people honestly find Max as a “slacker”, responsibility is not his strong suit. He often ditches important or practical things; his chores, his homework, which has annoyed his teachers and even his family at times. It doesn’t help no matter how many times or who reminds him, he doesn’t seem to listen or try. And though many used to find him enjoyable at school, day by day his peers started to care less about him. He doesn’t want to hang out, he doesn’t want to play, he never wants to show up to anything it seems. Some may even see Max comes off as inconsiderate. Often takes things on a lighthearted note, he doesn’t seem to take anything seriously, which is why he may even seem dismissive. Eventually, many got tired and frustrated, so they didn't bother him anymore. And honestly, he doesn’t blame them. Maybe he deserved it. He wouldn’t admit it, but meeting people has become exhausting, and something about these days just feels. . . off. He isn’t sure why, but these days he finds himself feeling not great. Even going through one day feels heavy and he just wants to be on his bed. And apparently whatever he does, he just can’t seem to feel a little better. Nothing just sounds that fun anymore, even the things he loved. And it doesn’t help when he feels constantly tired and he can’t get himself to do anything it seems, even take care of himself. Almost everything seems hard now. All of these just makes him feel ashamed. Why can’t he just do things “normally” like everyone does? Why does nothing feel good anymore? Sometimes it feels all too overwhelming that he could cry. It’s embarrassing, and Max doesn't feel like showing himself to people this way.

   Worst part to him is that he doesn’t even know why he feels this way. He’s got the most loving dad he knows and the best family he could get. In fact, everything seems to go perfectly well! And yet he can’t help feeling. . . bad. It's unreasonable, and he hates that not even his emotions “makes sense”. But even so, he still doesn’t want to talk about it either. It’s not that he wants to go on like this, he absolutely doesn't! All his life, he was the kid that was ready to look after his little brother and friends. He was the gentle and comforting kid who was ready to lend in a hug, a blanket, and a shoulder to cry on; anything to make his loved ones feel better. He was the patient peacemaker who could stop fights and actually make others get along again. He was the son that his dad can rely on for a helping hand. His loved ones have done a lot for him and gone through much. So, the least he could do was to simply be the good son and brother he always was. But now, he finds it harder to be that very same kid. His grades are getting worse, his friends are drifting away and even his family is starting to complain and nag him more than ever before. And all he knows is that it’s his fault, and no matter how many times he tries to ignore his feelings aside, he still messes up in the end. So to not burden them anymore than he already has, he figured that maybe it wouldn’t hurt if he acts like his “usual” happy and funny self, even if it tires him so much. He’ll just joke about how “lazy” he is and how he’s about to hibernate full-year. He’ll be fine as long as he keeps it up, right? Besides, maybe this is all just a phase! Or maybe he’s just being overdramatic. Is this what they call puberty? Either way, he’ll just keep hoping it’ll get better on its own. That is, if it would. . .

  • Adopted by Marcus [dad], and lives with Lucas, Oliver, Layla as his siblings!
    • In addition, some of his family members includes Marlene [grandmar], and Mimi [aunty]
  • Max's hobby was cooking! It started when he would help his grandmar and dad cook during kindergarten. He enjoyed making all sorts of foods, but what he really LOVED is BAKING! He loved making all sorts of baked goods from cakes and cookies to pastries! He's made few recipes as well. Well at least, that what he used to do.
    • Loves using fairy-like/"cottagecore" decor for his baked goods, like flowers, and making "butterflies" and "bees" out of food! 
  • Guy has said a couple of self-deprecating jokes, he’s come up with a few funny lines for sure in the middle of class. Surprisingly, he has said these openly, on front of his peers and siblings and even some teachers. Though many can’t tell if he actually means something or he’s just being funny. Some might even mistaken it for what they call “weird internet humour”.
    • Never on front of his dad though- he feels like his dad would suspect something going on quickly
  • Almost wears the same hoodie everyday, mostly to hide the fact that he barely changes his clothes actually. Just the thought of showering sounds tiring to him that he’d try to skip it when he can.
  • Would listen to his loved ones rambling. “I can’t remember the details though oop-“
  • Dog lover! He even has a pet called Buddy!
  • Loves berries [especially strawberries] and peaches, like a lot. These fruits were his favorite ingredients/flavors to work with!
  • Huggable fella! He loves cuddles and giving cuddles, sometimes it makes him feel better <3
  • Has a habit to shorten anyone's names to one syllable. Examples like: "Lu" for Lucas, "O" for Oliver, and even "Man" for Mandy [out of all things].
  • Pretty clumsy and would randomly found himself wounded or something days after.
  • Loves unicorns and dolls! Like genuinely, and he’s not even hiding it, he would openly admit that he likes Lalaloopsies and stuffed unicorns and plays with them. “I just think they’re cute.”
    • Honestly he really enjoys cute and wholesome things in general.
  • Someone who loved water! From swimming, being in the rain, or even playing with the garden hose, he enjoyed a splash!
    • He would also love aquariums, sea animals are cool! His favorites are sharks and sea slugs.
  • Likes the smell of [many sorts of] spices, something his grandmar loved using for cooking.
  • Max actually liked and was pretty skilled at math! He even sometimes helped his brother Lucas with homework back then.  
  • But now he sometimes has a hard time concentrating in school. There has been days where he just finds it hard to pay attention to his surroundings or remember things. Sometimes it even feels blurry to navigate his own home.
  • Would love to gather a bunch of soft/fluffy things such as pillows, blankets, and stuffed toys next to him. Enjoys blanket forts a lot! Cuddly things help him, especially when he feels mentally or physically unwell.
  • Had a camera that he likes to bring around, often times he would randomly records videos and take pictures on occasions like hangouts and trips! Obviously they aren't something pretty to look at, but it's mostly just to capture the moment :]
    • He's gonna be the reason why any storage space never seem to last in the Oddwoods, and not even google drive can save it
  • Loved to play video games! His favorite was Minecraft and back then he would play it with his best friend.
  • Used to join a soccer team, but then he quit.
  • The music class in his school requires to play the instrument, so he picked the acoustic guitar. Amateur level.
  • He likes superheroes! Personally he’s a fan of Marvel movies, and Spider-Man is his favorite.
  • Max’s room is honestly a big disorganized mess. Like, he has a hard time cleaning up and overtime the mess just builds up.
  • He oversleeps a lot, often starting early and have to force himself hard just to start his day. If nobody wakes him up, he’s sure he would be able to get away sleeping until 2:00 o'clock noon. There have been many days where he would almost nap the rest of day once he get home from school. 
    • But it seems like no matter how many hours he’s sleep, Max rarely feels refreshed and often still feels drowsy anyway.
  • Sometimes he misses the time his friends and football team still bothered him, even if he found it annoying at the time. But eh, he's sure it was his fault the begin with anyway so "that's a stupid thing to miss".
  • He has a lot of insecurity about his looks. Embarrassed about his weight and feels that everyone else secretly think the same way. Especially when…
  • …one of the ways Max uses to cope is by “eating”. Comfort foods are one of the few things that makes Max feel “better”, so often times he would consume snacks and leftovers in the house. However this way of easing his emotions often backfires, considering the fact he has a hard time controlling his overeating, to the point that he ends up sick to the stomach and feels even more ashamed and disgusted of himself. He tries to hide this from everyone, dealing with the issue alone, but no matter how hard he tries he’s unable to fight the urge to overeat.
  • Feeling pain physically isn't something unfamiliar to Max anymore, especially stomachaches. Though he can't tell if it's due to his poor eating habits or something else.
  • Lucas and Max were adopted by the Oddwoods since they were infants, while Layla and Oliver came in recently from foster care. This is context to the different dynamics in the family!
  • [VOICECLAIM] [i don't watch the show but] maybe younger Steven Universe [Zach Callison]? But something softer and slightly lower? [Familiar/Change Your Mind]