


3 years, 1 month ago



"Let's smash this shit!"
Basic Info

Name Riley
Age 19
Gender Female
BirthdayDecember 10
Height 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight 138 lbs / 62.5 kg
Ear Type Canine
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Game Participant
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 6728
Value $35 USD
Design Notes

  • She is a Dainty, she has hooved deer legs and her stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Her eyes are pink with turquoise and yellow highlights.
  • Sparkles on face are from makeup and do not need to be exact, they're a shimmer!
  • Please color-pick off her reference!

  • Riley was a child prodigy, but she grew bored with the path laid out for her and instead decided to enjoy her college life however she pleased.
  • She attended a prestigious university and volunteered at Bailey's dog shelter before being whisked off to an alternate reality.
  • She loves a challenge of practical skill and wit, and has yet to turn down a worthy opponent.

Despite her vibrant and friendly attitude, Riley is cool and calculated. Though bubbly and amiable on the outside, Riley is actually rather deceitful, cunning, and cutthroat. She's willing to do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means leaving you behind. Granted, she's very emotionally distant and avoids making real bonds with others as much as humanly possible, so it's often not hard for her to sacrifice others for her own sake. She's very self centered and boasts an "in it to win it" attitude. Although, with the punishment for losing being death, can you really blame her?


  • Strawberry flavored snacks
  • Good, dumb company
  • Overcast weather
  • Vibrant & vivid colors

  • Purely physical challenges
  • Anything being handed to her easily (bar theft, of course)
  • Monochrome color schemes
  • Intense heat

Riley was an average college student with passing grades, a mediocre social life, and a sleep schedule that would put the most seasoned night owls to shame. She was no stranger to parties and late-night hangouts either, opting to enjoy her college experience to the fullest extent. Riley is far more street smart than book smart. Making decisions on the fly is her specialty, which is something she could've never learned from a textbook. This isn't to say that her mediocrity hadn't weighed on her, though. Riley was growing quite bored with her new status quo, and often opted to find dopamine in criminal activity, mostly through petty theft and break-ins. After a round of not so stellar final exams, some retribution against the collegiate system was just what she needed to feel good again.

She'd decided she'd teach the college a lesson by wrecking some havoc in one of the old storage buildings. She figured the damage wouldn't be noticed until she was well on her way back home, so no harm and no foul right? The experience was cathartic beyond all belief as she smashed and shattered dozens of glass cases, boxes, and other miscellaneous items piled up. Soon enough, she found herself face to face with a full length mirror, and she grinned. This would be fun to smash. She picked up a long, sturdy old plank, and wound up to swing. Upon letting loose, she was surprised to find that she... missed? That couldn't be right. This was a huge target! After taking a couple more frantic swings, it became apparent that the plank was going where she was swinging, but somehow... it seemed like it just cut through the mirror every time, unfazed. Casting the plank aside, she stepped closer to the mirror, examining it.

As she ran her fingers along the glass, the mirror offered no resistance, unlike a normal object. Pushing her hand into the glass, it shimmered and swayed before giving way, swallowing her whole.

When she came to, she found herself in a desolate world. It was practically empty! I mean sure, there were buildings and objects, but there wasn't a person to be found. Spinning around, she found that the mirror had gone, and she was alone. Upon further exploration, she discovered that this world wasn't empty, per say, but instead sparsely populated. In this world, you had two options - to live, or to die. And while the choice seems obvious, living is much harder when your survival hinges upon your ability to succeed in games designed to trick and trap you, to rack and ruin you and leave you with nothing but despair and demise as you wither into nothing.

Truly, to anyone else this would be hell. But to the cunning and calculating and oh so bored Riley, this place is a paradise.

World Info

Riley occupies a sparsely populated alternate dimension that houses a death game scenario. Essentially, participants must elect to participate in prescribed challenges, or they will be killed. The challenges are difficult and may also result in death. There is no known way to escape the alternate dimension aside from dumb luck. Those who do escape often never recover from what they've seen. The alternate dimension very closely mirrors a modern day world, albeit much more dull in color and daunting in appearance.


Casino - Azari


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.