


4 years, 8 months ago



"...Can we be best friends furever?"
Basic Info

Name Bailey
Age 21
Gender Genderfluid (he/they)
BirthdayMarch 22nd
Height 5'6" / 169 cm
Weight 136 lbs / 62 kg
Ear Type Canine
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Shelter Employee
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Guest 199
Value $10 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Their hair is pretty fluffy, feel free to have fun with it!
  • Their eyebrows can be star-shaped or normally shaped, whichever you're more comfortable with.
  • Please color-pick off their reference!
  • Earring is optional!

  • Works at a no-kill animal shelter, where he's in charge of finding the perfect home for every hopeful adoptee!
  • He take care of all the animals on site and help foster some as well! As such, he gets really attached to all of them, and when one is adopted it's always bittersweet!
  • While he loves all animals, he has a special affinity for dogs!
  • Often, he'll bring some of the shelter residents out to visit long-term patients at a nearby hospital. He loves how excited everyone gets when they know the puppies are coming!

Bailey dresses for the personality they want to have, not the one they actually have. While they're upbeat, cheerful, and inviting at work, when alone they find themselves easily melancholic. They do their best to rectify this by bringing their work home with them! A kind soul with plenty of room for the less fortunate, Bailey does their best to leave the world a better place than it was when he first came. An optimist in every sense of the word! They're very creative, and often found in charge of decorating the shelter for major events. Compassionate, methodical, and reliable, Bailey is great at their job and easy to befriend with a bit of time and patience!


  • Dogs, cats, and really any fluffy pet!
  • Spending time with others doing fun, low-energy activities
  • Long walks with his puppy friends!

  • Being alone, but thankfully they've managed to avoid this by bringing foster pets home
  • Rainy days. They're a little too somber for him!
  • Adoption days. He likes that his friends are finding new homes, but he hates to see them go!

Bailey has always been a bit reserved. They tended to sit towards the back in class, doodling to pass the time and coasting by waiting for the bell to finally dismiss them. Due to their hesitance towards making new friends, they often found themselves the target of cruel pranks and jokes from their classmates. Dressed in baggy dark clothes and with dark hair to match, they did their best to blend in and avoid the attention of anyone else, regardless of if they were friendly or not. Their insecurity consumed them, anxiety overwhelming them at the mere implication of having to deal with unfamiliarity, and loneliness tugged at them every which way.

As they got older and their parents realized this was more serious than they'd thought, they decided to encourage Bailey to find hobbies and activities they liked to do. They started to cart them around over summer break, having them try many different things before one thing finally stuck - volunteering at the local animal shelter. Working with the animals helped Bailey to remain calm, and getting to take care of them taught Bailey about bonding with others, even if they were just animals to start. Being around them helped them build their confidence, and they ultimately grew into a more secure and happier person!

Come high school, Bailey was transferred to a different school and managed to break out of their shell more once freed from their antagonizers' gazes. They began to make real connections and lasting friendships, even with their nature being on the more timid side. Things got better for them and, while they still have days where they don't feel quite up to snuff, they've made a marked improvement and they're living a pretty good life! After graduation, Bailey decided to start working at the animal shelter part time to save up some money, and they've loved every moment of it. Working there brings them so much joy, they take great pride in making sure every animal goes home with the right person!

World Info

Bailey resides in a world very similar to our own, where dainties aren't a rarity but aren't incredibly common either. They live in a city that, while developed, isn't too loud or crowded as far as cities go, making it a nice choice for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. The city isn't completely crime-free, but it's decently safe to be out alone at night. The weather is usually sunny, so a nice rainy day is a change of pace. Bailey rents a small apartment at the edge of the city, allowing him easy access to fun events without being too close to the action.


Rollin Girl - Wowaka
Bubblegum K.K. - lovesickle
My R - KurageP ft. Eleanor Forte


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Coworker, Best Friend
Bailey really likes Dakota's company, and loves how bright and fun they make the shelter look. Dakota lightens up his more gloomy days!