Cash's Comments

stupid handsome idiot makes me want to kiss him

kiss him then ! coward !

* starts making out w him *

damn ..... cheatin on me w my own sexy fursona :/

Just wanted to drop a comment saying how lovely this character design is!! I adore the python tail and the colors and patterns so much!
You commissioned my gf and she showed me the character and I fell in love haha :'D

oh my god u have no idea how much that means to me ESPECIALLY coming from u !!! ur one of my biggest insps for how u colour stuff and itd b an absolute dream come true to comm/trade u to draw him one day !!! thank u SO MUCH !!!!!!

OMG that's so sweet of you to say?? Thanks so much!! :'D I'd honestly love to draw him someday aaa   

itd b a dream come true !!! <3