† Prince Loki (Trivia)



Due to being an albino, King Lucius tried to kill Prince Loki as soon as he opened his eyes and revealed his 'lighter colored pupils'.

Even though the interest in infecting cells is there and he did infect one cell, he actually doesn't like to do so because he's aware of them getting hurt in the process. He hates hurting others!

He also infected only one cell during his entire life because he didn't wanted to make Hannah sick. Of this entire litter born from the cell, only King Matthias survived an immune cell response. Prince Loki didn't mind, because he was already really happy with only one child.

Prince Loki was the very first virion born with the infamous D614G mutation!

He was the fastest virion ever.

He loves to dance and sing. Sometimes, when Hannah plays music in her room and starts dancing and singing to it, Prince Loki starts dancing and singing with her.

He's a witch. He learned about paganism/wicca and witchcraft from both Hannah and her mother (who are witches too). Though, due to being a tiny virus and thus invisible to humans, he can't really join in their rituals, use healing herbs/stones or use certain spells. 

He's very spiritual and he's able to communicate with the dead.

He's married to a Bifidobacterium longum cell, named Willow. When Willow went in binary fission, she decided that Prince Loki is her daughter's father.

An alternate female version of him plays the main role in my book, Rebel Virus.

He speaks with a, for a virus, rather sweet and soft voice, and an English accent.