
Name: Pinespark

(Pine- for the theme of her litter, -spark for her passion and warmth.)


GenderCis Molly, She/Her


Daughter of the former deputy - now leader - of her clan and her spitting image, she resents how little she brings to the table when compared to her powerful brother and her intelligent sibling, the cleric apprentice. As such, she grew resentful and tried to lash out at whoever she could blame that wasn't them or herself - particularly the former leader [publicly. at a gathering.] and his kits. She is confused and hurt by her seeming lack of skill, but is beginning to learn that she does bring something unique to her litter - a sense of cunning and a battle and hunting prowess focused on distraction. Her only friend is an apprentice from another clan who told her she was not a copy of her mother, but rather her own unique and interesting cat - something she never knew she needed to hear until it was said.

a punk girlboss child