


3 years, 1 month ago


Blind Follower
Also known asBunny

Profile template by Circlejourney


At first glance, Bunny is a stoic, unapproachable second half to Ice.

A man of few words, it's rare to get more than a head movement in most conversations. When around those he's familiar with, however, Bunny is considerably more talkative, if not soft-spoken.

He's learning how to form his own opinions as of recently.


He doesn't remember much of his childhood outside of snippets.

From what he remembers, he was born in a small lumber town in the Northern District of Dadra to a poorer family, although the time between that and his falling into New Ciwell's underground fighting ring is a blur. All he's aware of is that it wasn't his choice.

He spent a few years building a reputation, rising the ranks and garnering a solid crowd of fans. This piqued the interest of Ice, who decided to take Bunny under his wing and make him his own personal bodyguard.

Since then, the pair has become rather close, what with the two of them spending most of their days together. When not around Ice, Bunny can typically be found at Cat and Valentine's apartment, where the three of them have become their own odd family.

IceHe sees the older as some form of a mentor. Glad to be in a place where he knows when he's going to eat next, and not constantly battling for his life, among other things. Can't quite parse what the other thinks of him, though.
CatA sister to him, he trusts her with anything and everything, and vice versa. At first the two didn't get along well, with Cat being jealous, but they quickly grew on each other. He cares for her deeply.
ValentineGets a little nervous around her, but enjoys it when they're not at work. Thinks that she's a great cook, even if she does have terrible taste in movies. Unsure of what to think about her almost doting behavior at times.
  • Not book smart, but very street smart. This is due to his upbringing leading him to not see anyone for school until he was under Ice's command, in which he and Cat both saw a private tutor.
  • Prefers to use an axe as a weapon of choice, and is more focused on brutality than technique (He and Cat frequently argue about this, with her rating his kills and him complaining about it being stupid). He knows how to shoot, and almost always keeps a gun on him in case of emergencies.
  • Extremely camera shy. Hates being in view of interviews and will instead hide off to the side.
  • Enjoys savory foods a lot. The first thing Ice did after "adopting" him was take him out to a meal.