


3 years, 1 month ago


Fate's Child
Also known asCat
6'5"/195 cm

Profile template by Circlejourney


Bubbly, optimistic, and excitable, Cat often comes across as ditzy at best, stupid at worst.

Despite all of this, after the initial introduction it becomes blatantly obvious that she was raised by Ice. Both in personality and in swordsmanship, in which she's more than a little terrifying.

To Bunny and Valentine, she's a motormouth with a heart of gold.

Most of it is a face, just like Ice.


Before Ice, she was a circus freak. Due to her ██ from ████, she was flaunted as being a party item. Passed around from city to city, she landed in New Ciwell and was picked up by Ice. He saw her ██ and decided that this wasn't a curse, but rather a gift. 

Ice raised her as their own, training her to be at his equal with swordsmanship. As time progressed, he got Bunny, sparking a streak of jealousy. It wasn't until months later that they became close.

As of current, she's the one Ice sends out on missions, and she's the only one who knows what his goal is, and she's willing to throw her life away if it means that it gets seen to the end.

ValentineLoves her girlfriend very dearly. While they've been together for a short period of time, Cat trusts Valentine's opinions and thoughts, and would do anything for her.
IceSees him as a father figure. He raised her (with the help of several tutors and the like) and trained her to be the very best she could be. She loves him, and will defend him no matter the cost.
BunnyAt first, their relationship was rocky. Cat was insanely jealous of Bunny being Ice's new focus instead of her, but after a few months, they became inseparable and it has yet to change.
  • Is allergic to cats, actually
  • Her favorite color is green
  • Under the eyepatch is a ████████
  • Most text is redacted for a reason.