Vallerie Orejac



3 years, 1 month ago


Basic Info
Vallerie Orejac
South Asian
IMG Credits
  • Warm dark purple hair, side part with no bangs
  • Brown skin, tattoo on left arm
  • Overall muscular figure
  • Small scars here and there from various adventures
  • Two bigger scars on her back, in between her shoulder blades
  • Robust, energetic individual
  • Normally a pretty serious person, but only acts as such to balance out Miles' laid-back personality
  • Short temper
  • Despite her love for her crew and position as a leader, she has a poor tendency to close others off when she's hurting.
  • Trained in melee combat, but uses her legs a lot b/c she was taught by a sheep, and it makes practicing with Miles easier
  • Weapons - special dagger gifted to her by Miles
  • Magic - can use wind magic to propel herself and others, but due to inexperience, her magic isn't as strong as it should be at her age.
  • Speaks english and some ASL, knows morse code
"Upset you lost? sounds like a skill issue."

Vallerie doesn't remember any of her childhood before she was taken in by Miles and his grandpa. What she does know, is that she lost her parents on accident, and lost her wins because someone forcefully took them, likely as a trophy or commodity. She has no problems walking around in public despite being a fairy, since most people don't know what a fairy looks like, and even if they did, Val's already lost what people would've hunted her for anyway.

Vallerie was taken in by Miles and his grandpa when she was around 6, and grew up on the ship. She otherwise had an abnormal, but fulfilling childhood, making friends with the other kids on the ship and being schooled by a tutor up until the last 2 years of schooling.

However, when her grandpa suffered a spine injury, and was forced to retire, Val and Miles agreed (despite wanting to stay with their grandpa) to raise money for travel expenses and go on a year long voyage to tie up any loose ends their grandpa had left when he suddenly retired.

Prior to year-long journey

The siblings stayed in an inn owned by old family friends, taking odd jobs for the better part of a year to have enough savings for travel expenses. Early on, Vallerie met Taurus by chance and the two hit it off.

Vallerie had no romantic feelings for Taurus, but considered him a very close friend; both of them found solace in similar experiences of not belonging their whole childhood, and fear of being tied down (metaphorically for Taurus, literally for Vallerie) by responsibility and being miserable. However, Taurus began to take Val's words and feelings as her having grown past her fears, being a strong pillar that could help him. But, due to the both of them having terrible communication skills, a conversation surroudning the topic escalated and resulted in them fighting, and Taurus accidentally imprinting a magic tattoo, manifested from his emotions (and intentions, unconsciously), on Val. The two broke off contact afterwards, and Val was left to pick up the pieces with Miles and figure out what to do, given the implications of the tattoo. She ended up wearing long sleeves to cover it up.

Not long afterwards, Vallerie met Cassidy but saving her from an assassination attempt. Cas sought her out afterwards to extend her gratitude, and the two became friends with Val snekaing into the castle to see her, much to Cas's chagrin. Miles was extremely suspicious of Cassidy, not wanting the Taurus situation to repeat, especially after Val confessed she had feelings for Cas. However, Miles eventually gave the go-shead on Cas, realizing she had good intentions.

Close to the one-year mark, Cas disclosed she was being married off, and was completely distraught. Vallerie suggested for her to run away with them, despite Miles' horror. Even so, they devised a plan to take Cas with them and escape on the ship. Everything went as planned, and the trio set off on the year-long journey.


The crew of three quickly grew to five, and then seven after meeting Atlas and Faris. The crew's gone on many adventures and gotten in a lot of trouble, but Vallerie wouldn't trade it to the world. And with the people she's got in her corner, she's no longer as angry with Taurus as before. But whether or not they'll reconcile depends on Taurus, since Vallerie is as stubborn as a mule (and it's mostly his fault, anyway).

Miles | (Adopted) Brother

"AKA my ride or die, bastard man (affectionate), pastey, idiot, the most un color-coordinated individual I have ever met (curtesy of Cassidy), peanut butter to my jelly, brother dearest, and kilometer."

Cassidy | Girlfriend

"Mwah, my beloved. Sometimes she says really elitist, uneducated things but it's okay because she's geniunely just stupid, and she's very open minded when she makes a mistake. Still probably the smartest out of the three of us though. Rich people are crazy!"

Taurus | Frenemy

"What an asshole. I wouldn'e be so angry at him if he just commmunicated like a normal person, but on top of everything, he's following my crew around! I've tried confronting him but he keeps getting away, Harlum said she'd talk to him...I hope she knocks some sense into him, because if she doesn't, then I will."