


3 years, 1 month ago




NAME Somnus


AGE 2000 years, maturity of about 60 years old

RACE/SPECIES Demon (Mara type Drude)

GENDER Agender, fem aligned



An older, loveable, experienced drude of the mara sub-section. She finds great joy in her job, and is always looking for new recipes.


  • Trying and mixing new ingredients
  • Full moons
  • Angels (Is intrigued by them)
  • Sweets and pastries


  • Ungrateful and selfish imps
  • Good dreams
  • Being underappreciated for her work
  • Lucid's clumsiness in the kitchen


  • Her appearance is based mostly on a borzoi dog.
  • Her species, drude, are in real life the name for malevolent spirits associated with nightmares in German folklore.
  • its career, mara, is a type of one of these spirits. Mara were considered the feminine version of an Alp. This is not the case for this universe, though.
  • Somnus' birthday is January 1st.


  • Its head and paws are much less fluffy than the rest of its body.
  • She is 7 feet tall.
  • Her jaw unhinges like a snake's. Because she's old and the muscles in her jaw are weaker, sometimes her jaw comes unhinged when she laughs... (she laughs a lot)
  • It has 4 eyes, and can see with all of them, but the ones under the bigger ones are sometimes closed while the top aren't.
  • Her 2 tails are like a normal dog's, and wag when she's very happy or excited.


Somnus is almost always very friendly to other demons. She treats everyone like a long time friend, even people she's never met before. It loves to tell jokes, mostly ones younger demons consider outdated and old. Even though it's usually very fun to be around and nice, it can get scary very fast if someone is being rude to it. She doesn't have any experience interacting with humans firsthand, nor angels, but would love to learn about them. She doesn't hold any ill will toward either and would love to actually meet an angel someday...Well, one that wouldn't try to kill her.


Rank and role

Drude demons are a rank of demon that primarily work with nightmares. There are multiple sub-sections of the Drude rank, but Somnus is a Mara. Mara demons, also called nightmare cookers, are responsible for feeding other demons. They do this by collecting the essences of nightmares humans have, and cooking them using special methods.

Mara don't typically get these nightmare essences on their own, and this nightmare collecting task is often given to an Alp. Nightmares when collected into essences come in the form of orbs, the size and color varying on the type of nightmare and amount of fear the human felt. This type and fear amount also determines the taste and flavor. A talented, experienced Mara will know exactly the combinations to make a wonderful meal. Drudes are one spot above imps in heirarchy. There are a large amount of them, though not as many as imps.

Personal history

Somnus was created like all other Mara, via an average summoning. She was rebellious in her younger years, not wanting to become a nightmare cooker but rather she wanted to fight on the frontlines against angels. It wasn't permitted however and it eventually got into the cooking career. Much to Somnus' surprise it actually greatly enjoyed the activity. Since then not much has changed in her lifestyle. She's been around for a very long time and seen a lot of things happen, but she's still enjoying her cooking and learning new recipes and testing new ingredients.


Beetlebub Close friend, caretaker

Somnus was alive when the most recent member of the Beelzebub family was created. She didn't participate in the creation ritual, but she did see the young inheritor of Hell in his younger years. He came to its kitchen once as a larva and considered its meals his favorite. Throughout Beetlebub's young life Somnus helped her grow to be very healthy and powerful, with only the best meals crafted from the most potently feared nightmares. Their favorite flavor was the flavor caused by nightmares of death and destruction.

As Beetlebub got older and grew rebellious, Somnus saw her younger self in them, and supported them when other Drude would scold them for not taking responsibility. Now, Beetlebub still visits her occassionally to say hello and perhaps grab his old favorite meal.

Fenton, always a troublemaker, doesn't spare even Somnus from this. There have been multiple times he's stolen ingredients from her for his own personal quick meals. It has banned them from its kitchen because of this. You could probably imagine Somnus' shock when, as she was about to kick him out again for trespassing, Beetlebub herself stepped in to protect the pesky imp... It tolerates Fenton, only because of his romantic relationship with Beetlebub. Fenton has made a promise to no longer steal ingredients from it again... Let's see how long that lasts.

Dominatio Taraxacum Forbidden Love

Angels are extremely strictly forbidden from having relationships of any kind with demons. So when Tara met Somnus and she instantly felt a strong, strange emotion toward her, she was terrified. Tara is obviously in love with her, but refuses to admit this. Somnus can tell this as well, and thinks the way she gets so incredibly flustered and shy is adorable. It enjoys teasing and flirting with her, and is gradually trying to get Tara to accept their relationship is not wrong.