🍳Somnus🐺 (🍳Lucid🌙)



3 years, 1 month ago




NAME Lucid


AGE 20 years, equivalent to a 2 yr old cat

RACE/SPECIES Demon (Alp type Drude)

GENDER Agender


VOICE CLAIM Doesn't speak

A young clumsy Alp Drude that works with Somnus to gather ingredients. It does its best!


  • Circles and orbs
  • Being in high places
  • Red things
  • Boiling hot water


  • The sun and bright lights
  • People who snore
  • Being held
  • Socks


  • Lucid's head shape is inspired by a tapir.


  • Its tail is prehensile and can carry nightmare essences with the claw on the end.
  • It almost always walks on all 6 legs, but can stand up and walk a short distance on 2 if needed.
  • It has very short fur, like a chihuahua.
  • The heart tag is a treasured powerful solidified nightmare, passed down from Somnus's previous Alp (and its parent)


Lucid is, in personality and behavior, like a combination of a raccoon, a housecat, and a small dog. It can't speak but communicates via small chirps, hisses, purrs, and other noises. Lucid is a younger Alp and is a bit clumsy, often stumbling over its own legs and getting its tail tangled between them. It loves being pet but absolutely hates being held and will scramble to escape, having to be restrained to be securely held. Instead of being held it much prefers standing on people's shoulders and backs, like a bird. It likes this more because it can still be transported but doesn't feel restrained and kept captive.


Rank and role

Alp are another section of Drude, much different than Mara in almost every way except for the basics of working with nightmares. Alp are a small type of demon more like animals than intelligent human beings. They can be compared to a housecat in size and intelligence. They are, unlike cats, very easy to train though.

Alps are almost always paired with Mara as companions or pets. Because of their small size and some unique abilities they have Mara don't, such as temporary invisibility and shapeshifting, they are able to easily enter the human world to fetch nightmare essences for their owners. Alp sit upon a sleeping human's chest and use their powers to summon a nightmare to haunt the person they lay on. As the person is about to wake, the Alp will pull the nightmare essence from the human, and quickly scurry off, back to Hell to give the essence to its Mara.

Most Mara give their Alp names, and all Alp are unique in their own ways. They are actually more common than even imps, and are one of the only demons types that reproduce via mitosis. Because of their common nature, some Alp without homes are adopted by imps. They only live about 150 years on average, which isn't a lot in demon terms.

Personal life

Lucid is a young Alp and the child of a previous Alp Somnus owned. Somnus owned many Alp through her career, all from the same family. Lucid's parent was a very amazingly trained Alp named Rem that lived a long life. When Lucid split off of Rem via mitosis, Rem was retired and Lucid took its place. Lucid still has a lot to learn about their job and the world around them, but in Somnus' care, it's guaranteed Lucid will live a great life.


Fenton Enemy

Lucid has been trained to be very wary around Fenton specifically. When Fenton is too deep into the kitchen Lucid will hiss and screech to alert Somnus. It doesn't really understand why she is so hostile to him, but she gives it treats when it scares him off, so it doesn't really care to know.

Beetlebub has a very powerful aura about her and Lucid can sense it. Despite being intimidating at first, it was surprised to find Beetlebub is actually very gentle with it. He loves to pet Lucid and play tug-of-war with it. One time Beetlebub even gave Lucid a brand new tendril web to climb on! Lucid gets very excited when they show up and it knows Beetlebub is a friend.