🌱Dominatio Taraxacum🦁



3 years, 9 months ago


Dominatio Taraxacum


NAME Dominatio Taraxacum, "Tara" for short


AGE 2000 years, maturity of about 60 years old

RACE/SPECIES Angel, form of a Lion/Dandelion hybrid

GENDER Nonbinary woman


An experienced domination rank angel tasked with keeping peace between angels and mortals. Hates troublemakers and has alot of issues with demons.


  • Teaching younger angels
  • Keeping order and peace
  • Fencing
  • Serving justice


  • Demons (especially imps)
  • Fire
  • Things breaking her routine
  • Anarchy


  • Her full name is her rank in latin (Dominatio) and the genus name of dandelion (Taraxacum). Almost all angels are named with this formula of rank + plant genus.
  • Her shortened name, Tara, is simply the 4 beginning letters of Taraxacum. She does not like when demons or mortals call her this.
  • Tara's birthday is April 16.


  • When drawing her, please use the most recent reference for her outfit.
  • Tara's wings are functional, and can materialize or dematerialize at will. The eyes on them move as her normal ones would and she can see through them.
  • Her halo is made of solid light, and the eyes on it also blink and can be seen through by her.
  • Her mane of dandelion seeds is very stable and almost never loses large chunks of seeds at once. Some blow off occassionally but never too many, and they always grow back. If she is hit by an especially powerful demon or angel, it can lose large chunks, however.
  • She is 7'4 feet tall.


Dominatio Taraxacum is a very loyal angel. She finds comfort in order and peace, and dislikes conflict and people acting up against authority she finds just. Tara enjoys following daily routines and this makes her feel in control of things and proper. If her routines are disrupted by something major, she will lose her temper and lash out at those around her. She is considered strict by most and sometimes mean, but views herself as someone who is just doing what's right. Because Tara has been around for around 2000 years, she has seen and dealt with a lot, even for an angel. She is often tasked, by herself and others, with mentoring younger angels. Almost all angels under her appreciate her, and she's seen as a model angel for her loyalty to the job and commitment to it.


Rank and role


Personal history



Remington Barely tolerated

Remington and Tara's paths often cross, whether they'd like them to or not. Tara doesn't like him, but because she is a lower ranked angel, she has no ability to harm him. He could harm her, but has no reason to and doesn't plan on it, and she knows this. Because of this they simply tolerate each other. They get on each other's nerves a lot, but not enough to turn things hostile, simply passive aggressive.

Fenton Annoyance

Since Fenton is often with Remington, Tara often sees him as well when encountering Remy. Fenton, as an imp, can be killed by Tara, but only temporarily. He knows this, and because he has no power against her, he decides to lean into being an annoyance for her, seeing how much he can bother her before she attacks, then attempting to avoid the backlash. Sometimes she gets him, sometimes he escapes far enough that it's not worth the effort to hunt him down. She hates Fenton with a passion but he's nothing more than a simple pest, like a common housefly.

Virtus Lonicera Friend and student

Loni is a younger angel of a lower rank than Tara, so she has some authority over her in some situations. They get along very well, and like most other angels, Tara views her as a student. Sometimes Tara is strict, but she always means well.

Somnus Forbidden Love

Angels are extremely strictly forbidden from having relationships of any kind with demons. So when Tara met Somnus and she instantly felt a strong, strange emotion toward her, she was terrified. Tara is obviously in love with her, but refuses to admit this. Somnus can tell this as well, and thinks the way she gets so incredibly flustered and shy is adorable. It enjoys teasing and flirting with her, and is gradually trying to get Tara to accept their relationship is not wrong.