


3 years, 24 days ago




"Say cheese! ✧*:・゚ "
Basic Info

Name Scout
Age 24
Gender Male
BirthdayAugust 15th
Height 5'7" / 170cm
Weight 139lbs / 63 kg
Ear Type Canine
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation INFO
Occupation Nature Photographer
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 7029
Value $XXX USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • I prefer the outfit with the light blue jeans, but either outfit is fine!
  • His backpack is optional but encouraged!
  • Please color-pick off his reference!
  • His pins and stocking charms are not optional, please let me know if you have trouble with them.
  • Inner ears are the same light brown color as the underside of his tail.

  • Most of his photos are taken to help organizations promote natural wildlife, including; national parks, conservation areas, and disaster relief.
  • Many of his photos are used as magazine covers, and he owns a copy of each magazine his work's been featured in.
  • His very first photo for the photography club was of a monarch butterfly! He's still very proud of it, and keeps a framed print of it on his wall above his bed.
  • A surprisingly high percentage of his photos end up containing rather odd entities in the background, ones that cannot entirely be accurately identified... While he just believes them to be wildlife on the move, some have taken to calling him a cryptid magnet!

Scout is an excitable and energetic guy who has lots of passion and kindness to share with the world! He sees the beauty in small things and holds a lot of compassion for anyone around him. Whether that be a butterfly or a person, he values them all so very highly! Oftentimes he finds himself blinded by his feelings, opting to follow his heart rather than his head even when it seems idiotic to do so. Scout is a very prepared kind of person and loves to lend a helping hand to those in need. He's the loyal and dependable type, so he can always be counted on to come to the rescue. Generally, Scout is a pretty happy person, choosing to occupy his mind with small victories rather than shortcomings. Optimistic, cheerful, and sweet as can be, Scout's really quite the great friend!


  • Framing a great shot on his camera
  • Nature, especially vast national parks and sunny beaches
  • Collecting cameras and camera parts
  • Vanilla cakes and sugar cookies

  • Raisins and the grape family of foods in general
  • Chocolate, either alone or baked into things
  • Hazardous conditions that he can't work around
  • Camera equipment being mishandled or broken

Scout's always been an energetic person. When he was young, he bounced from after school activity to after school activity, looking for something that captivated his interest enough to stick with it. For a while, nothing really sparked his interest, but he was happy to participate and enjoy the company of the other members of the various clubs he bounced between. In his junior year of high school he discovered his love of photography through his introduction to the photography club, and he's been fascinated with the activity ever since! He dove head first into it, spending most of his free time perfecting his skill and style, leading him to discover that his very favorite thing was nature photography. Something about the way everything exists in such harmonious balance really caught his attention, and he's worked hard to try and capture that magic and equilibrium in every picture he takes.

With great enthusiasm, he started to post his work online. While it was a slow start, he really enjoyed sharing his pictures and thoughts with the world, even if it was only his friends who were listening. But soon enough, his work began to get a lot of traction! He caught the eye of plenty of other photographers, as well as organizations looking for photographs to help convey their missions and messages. Scout managed to become so popular that he doesn't really have any trouble finding enough contract work to keep him busy, so he now pursues photography full time and he couldn't be happier. His work takes him all over the world to photograph different places and creatures - no day is ever dull to him!

World Info

Scout resides in a world very similar to our own, where dainties aren't a rarity but aren't incredibly common either. Scout lives in a quiet town a little ways from the city, where there's plenty of open green space and lots of nature to explore. The town itself is pretty quiet, with nothing too terribly bad ever happening there aside from the occasionally hazardous thunderstorm. Most days are clear skies and warm weather, making them perfect for going out to explore! Scout currently resides in a cute little house with a pleasant garden, which is often home to some of the local wildlife.




Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.