Indigo Blue Bomber



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info



Japanese Name:





Trainee at Kurobon's Dojo


Lawful Good



As a young lad of 7 years old, Aiirobon, lived quite a normal childhood in a peaceful suburban village with his guardian and big sister, Mayonakabon. His sister was a strong warrior, but was very caring and acted as a mother to him since he never got to know his real mom. One day, the peacefullness of the village was destroyed when a strong creature began to raid it. His sister packed everything essential and some of Aiiro's toys before fleeing to a safe place for her little brother. She put him in a grove under a tree, reassured him she will come back after she takes care of any remaining villagers and defeats the monster, tells him to not come out of the spot until she comes back, gives him one more hug, then covers up the spot before leaving.

He stayed in that spot waiting for her. After she didn't come back after a few hours, he got worried and wanted to go look for her, but he was afraid the monster would find him, so he stayed in that spot. He stayed there for 3 days waiting for her, but she never came back, during his wait, he got really sick.

Luckily, Aiiro got found by Kurobon and Jack before his illness got worse, he had to be hospitalized for a little while, but he managed to make a full recovery. When he learned that his sister is missing, he wanted to search for her, but he wasn't strong enough to do so. Knowing the kid had nowhere else to go, Kuro decided to take him in and train him so he can get strong enough to find his sister.

Aiiro has been grateful for Kuro ever since he took him in, and he promised him he will make him proud. He refers to Kuro as his "Sensei" and looks up to him a very good amount. They have a mentor/student relationship, but they've also been shown to have a father/son relationship.

Currently, he resides on Earth at Kuro's training dojo that doubles as a home.


Aiirobon is an outgoing and kind-hearted lad, but he's clumsy, very clumsy. He's almost never aware of his surroundings and tends hurt himself, break stuff, and may involuntarily make things worse without meaning to, however, in the right setting, his clumsiness can be used as an advantage. As klutzy as he may be, he's determined to better himself so he can strong enough to hopefully find his missing sister. Surprisingly enough, when he isn't thinking, he's much more graceful, especially true when someone needs saving, he wishes he could be that graceful more often.

Despite his determination, he has some underlying doubts about his combat abilities, and constantly worries about letting everyone, especially his Sensei, down, so he sometimes overworks himself to exhaustion. He wants to be viewed like the "strong, cool guy" by the younger kids, but whenever he puts on that act, he winds up tripping up somehow.


-He's roughly 15 years old.

-He used to own a longer cape, but he kept tripping over it, so he got a shorter one.

-His mecha is called the Indigo-Panther. It has the ability to travel at incredible speeds on land, and can do some serious damage when transformed. The biida shots fired from it can blind enemies for a couple seconds. This mech also has a stealth mode and can blend into the dark, but with how clumsy Aiiro is, the stealth doesn't last long (his klutziness might also be why it has so many scratches).

-He has a crush on Dottobon, but he feels his feelings for her are inappropriate given their age gap, so he keeps quiet about his feelings (he told a select few about his feelings for her), and thinks it's better to just keep being nice to her instead.

-He has a "rivalry" with Sorabon, but this rivalry is one-sided. Aiiro doesn't want a rivalry.

-He enjoys a good jasmine tea every now and then, it helps calm his nerves.