Polka Bomber



3 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Japanese Name:





Biida Cops (Student; Jr. Rank)


Chaotic Good



Porukabon's upbringing was pretty normal, until one night, a terrible life-changing incident occured, and it left him with... "lots of issues" as he put it. He along with his twin sister, Dottobon, were taken into an orphanage, and spent 4 years there before getting adopted by Kiirobon.

Due to the constant passing of potential adopters and bullying he went through while staying at the orphanage, he didn't initially trust anyone except his sister, and he would get protective of her and lash out if anyone got near her, and he wouldn't let potential adopters "take away the only family he has left." When Kiiro adopted him and Dot, he was grateful he didn't get seperated from his twin sister, but it took a little while before he began trusting him and refering to him as his Dad.

He used to wear a big hat and trenchcoat due to insecurity of his scars. It took him some months before he got more comfortable not wearing either hat and trench coat, and learned to trust others and be himself again. He isn't seen with his hat and trenchcoat much nowadays, and he's now okay with leaving his sister in the company of others, knowing she's in safe hands, he's still protective of her though, just not as much as he used to be.

He lives on Earth, and currently resides in a comfortable home next to a warehouse owned by his dad's delivery business. He and his sister help with deliveries if their dad gets busy. When he isn't helping with deliveries, he's attending BiidaCop training classes or hanging out with his friends.


As opposed to his twin sister, Polka is more loud and expressive, and tends to speak his mind in the form of sarcastic remarks. He may seem like a grump, sometimes he acts like one, but really, he's a good kid that likes messing around with his friends, and is quick to jump to his friend's defense when somebody tries to mess with them, even when he doesn't have to. As good-natured as he is, it takes a lot of time for him to warm-up to anyone, and tends to be wary and untrusting of someone he just met due having been bullied in the past, so becoming friends with him is no easy feat, he will also shy away if the first thing the person comments on is his scars.

With his BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), his mood tends to swing from one emotion to another, he gets easily paranoid, and his anger can get explosive, which may lead outbursts and him saying or doing something he may regret later. BPD isn't the only thing he has issues with mentally, he also struggles with PTSD, and is prone to getting pretty bad night terrors of his past. Fortunately, he's seeking help and is taking medication for both to help keep him in check.

He can get quite competitive when it comes to games, and getting accused of cheating will quickly tick him off and have him try to prove he isn't. He doesn't back down from a challenge when he gets like this, however, he does show good sportsmanship when the game is on, and will reluctantly sacrifice victory if someone needs help.

Any insults relating to his appearance also immediately ticks him off, he's insecure about how looks enough as it is. He's prone to swearing a lot more often when he's angry.


-He's 13, and is the older twin.

-He does crack an occasional dark humored joke, sometimes as his own expense as a means to cope, but he's working on not doing that. He sometimes he uses his dark humor to get jerks to leave him or his friends alone.

-Polka and his sister, Dot, share a vehicle they named Lightning-Bug. Lightning-Bug can split into two halves when in battle mode, his half being called Bolt-Striker, which can go at incredible speeds, fire spark shots, and even transform into a mecha.

-He and Sora are friendly rivals.

-He has a need for speed. He does enjoy a good race on TV, but he will take any chance at join a race when it's given to him.

-Polka owns two pairs of heelies, and sometimes practices skating tricks with them.

-He enjoys listening to polka music, and he occasionally practices playing polka music with his accordion.

-He has a fear of bees and other stinging insects. He's not allergic to them, they just scare him.

-Polka enjoys lemons and lemon-flavored treats.

-Both he and his sister share a love for mac 'n cheese.

-Polka and Dot both own a Bontendo Switch. Racing games are his preferred type of genre (he prefers ones that don't have cars explode in a fiery blaze).

-He used to crush on Shianbon after she saved him after he fell out of a tree. He still does, though it's more platonic now.

-After having lived with Kiirobon for sometime, he began picking up his manner of speaking, and will get embarrassed if he catches himself doing so.