Meta Knight



3 years, 5 months ago


Meta Knight

Name Sir Meta Knight

Alias The Mysterious Lone Swordsman
The Lone Swordsman
The Masked Swordsman

Gender Male

Age 23

Species Puffball

Role Star Warrior

Alignment Chaotic Good

Birthday 3rd of March

Origin Unknown / Pop Star

Life Status Mortal / Long Longevity

Theme Meta Knight's Revenge

HTML Pinky


Meta Knight is a lone knight of mysterious origin and same species as Kirby, who belongs to the Star Warriors organization. He went on a journey of training and self-improvement to become stronger and wiser. He mostly helps Kirby in his adventures. He is known as "The Mysterious Lone Swordsman" throughout Pop Star as a knight of unknown origins and with a reserved and discreet attitude.

Currently, his base of operations is located in the Orange Ocean, where he lives with his warriors the Meta Knights. He also has his airship, the Halberd, sheltered there. He usually spends his free time training with his sword and polishing it. He reads books of all kinds to gain general and historical knowledge. He is also seen sometimes with Kirby and company at some competition or celebration events, even hangouts.

He is stubborn not wanting to show his face to anyone for personal and unknown reasons, so he does not let absolutely anyone touch his mask or someone unmasked him, or he will resort to force. At first he also hid the secret that he had wings but little by little he got used to letting others see them.

Meta Knight is mortal, which can die of old age, illness or physical damage, but his race is long-lived, so he can live many more years than most living things.


Height 173cm | 5,6 feet

Weight 71Kg | 156,5 lbs


He is a young adult with a slender body, short indigo hair; fair skin and yellow eyes.

He usually wears his face covered by his metallic mask that only lets a glimpse of his two yellow eyes. He wears a dark blue cape, two shoulder pads (one of them with his symbol), he wears an indigo suit with gold details, a purple scarf tied around his neck, white gloves, black pants and a belt with his symbol. He wears metallic purple boots. His Galaxia sword is hanging from his belt.


Meta Knight has a reserved and calm personality while being generally serious, thinks and plans his movements before acting, is loyal to his code of honor as a knight, always fights fairly against his opponents and is a humble person who he does not get carried away by his ego, recognizing and praising the value and potential of others. Despite his cold temperament, he is actually a kind-hearted, kind and respectful person, always helping those most in need, loyal to his friends and cares about the well-being of his loved ones like his own soldiers. Sometimes he can be somewhat impulsive and violent when he gets angry and uses vulgar language with insults in Spanish, this usually scares his subordinates. He usually apologizes whenever he can after such unseemly situations.


Justice and Peace

What every star warrior defend around the universe.

His soldiers & Friends

His close people and soldiers are important in his life.


His sword has sentimental value to him.

Learn knowledges

Read books and the like to learn new knowledge about the universe and its inhabitants. Knowledge is power.

Sword battles & challenges

He likes to test himself with challenges and train with his sword.


He has a weakness for lollipops especially.


Anyone who disturbs the peace and justice

Unpolite and childish people

He hates people who behave immaturely and unpolitely.


Chaos and disorder is something unacceptable for him.

People see his face uncovered

Prefers to keep his identity a secret.


Weapons / Abilities / Powers

Galaxia Sword

His main weapon is his legendary Galaxia sword with which he can deliver powerful ranged and melee attacks, it also allows him to create large electric tornadoes, Match Tornado, that devastate the battlefield.

Dimensional Cape

He wears a dimensional cape that allows him to teleport to medium distances when he covers himself with it.


He possesses two folding bat-like wings that he discreetly hides and allows him to fly.


It's his great personal battleship equipped with heavy and powerful weapons like cannons among others.



In process

Kirby Dreamland events

Kirby Adventure events






Apprentice / Rival / Friend

He has a good friendship with Kirby that alternates with a friendly rivalry when it comes to competing. He enjoys playing the role of a mentor and teaching him everything he knows to be an exemplary star warrior. He has great respect for Kirby for his tremendous bravery and determination, and the ideological values that he abides by. Sometimes they have their differences and arguments, but they are usually on good terms. He feels overwhelmed that Kirby sees him as a father figure.



Boss / Friend

He respects Dedede as King of Dreamland even though he does not approve of his childish and hooligan attitude towards others. He works as a knight under his command in case any serious problem arises. He reproaches the bad childish and selfish whims of the monarch and ignores his orders if they are of that nature. He has a lot of patience with Dedede although more than once he has had to resort to violence and anger as the monarch tries to remove his mask without success.




He is aware that Bandana admires him deeply and although he does not express it openly, he is quite pleased to have an admirer like him. They don't usually interact much since Bandana Dee is shy with him, but the little they talk shows that they get along. He admits that Bandana is a strong and brave warrior even if Bandana is insecure about it.