


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Kirby of The Stars

Alias The Hero of the Stars
The Young Boy of the Spring Breeze
The Pink Demon

Gender Male

Age 12

Species Puffball

Role Star Warrior (current leader)

Alignment Neutral Good

Birthday 27th of April

Origin Unknown / Pop Star

Life Status Mortal / Long Longevity

Theme Green Greens

HTML Pinky


Kirby is a little boy of mysterious origin who was chosen as the next leader successor of the Star Warriors, the defenders of the peace and good of the universe. Known as "The Hero", sometimes "Hero of the Stars", by all those who know the history of the Star Warriors throughout the universe and celestial beings of great renown. In Dreamland he was known as "The Hero of the Spring Breeze" or "The Young Boy of the Spring Breeze" for having made his first heroic act of presence during the spring. He is also known as "The Pink Demon" between his enemies and other creatures because of his powerful strength to defeat evil calamities.

He currently lives in DreamLand, in a secluded house in Cappy Town. He helps the inhabitants of Cappy Town with public events, plays with his friends and in his spare time he likes to have picnics alone or in company outdoors.

Kirby is mortal, which can die of old age, disease, or physical damage, but his species is long-lived, so he can live many more years than most living things.


Height 127cm | 4'2 feet

Weight 30Kg | 66,1 lbs


Boy with a childish appearance and of young age, short stature, with short pink hair, pink and pale skin, flushed cheeks and bulging blue eyes.

He wears a pink hoodie with a pocket and with a gold star in the center. It can be seen that the sleeves are a bit long since it sometimes covers half of his hand. He wears short fuchsia pants rolled up. He wears white socks and shoes also fuchsia and salmon pink on the inside, the toe of the shoe is white. Fastened with a gray ribbon with a star symbol at the end. Underneath his sweatshirt he wears a short-sleeved white shirt with the letters POPOPO written on it.


Kirby is a child with a cheerful, smiling and caring personality, with a positive and optimistic mentality, generally, and above all childish. His innocence makes him naive at times. Sometimes he becomes quite impatient and stubborn causing him to get into a lot of trouble and misunderstandings, realizing his mistake very late. Despite his small size, he is incredibly gluttonous, eating a mountain of food that triples his height without flinching. He has a great strength of courage and remarkable will, he never gives up in the face of any adversity and is capable of giving his life to defend his friends and his own moral principles. Although his immature and childish attitude may be deceiving at first glance, Kirby also has a mature, serious and developed mentality about the ethical and moral concepts and values of life and the universe itself. He is faithful to his own moral philosophy and values, the only laws that govern his life, which he teaches and defends anyone who dares to question him. Always willing to make new friends and forgive the mistakes of others, even let his enemies redeem themselves for their wrongdoing, he believes that everyone can change a good person.



His favorite food.


Harmony, well-being and happiness among all is something that he appreciates.


They are his most valuable treasure and his source of positivity and energy

Positive emotions

Happiness and derived emotions, both in him and in other living beings, is the thing most important in life for him. That isn't mean that he hates negative emotions.


Anyone who disturbs the peace

He dislikes any kind of wars.

Anyone who hurts his friends

Mess with his friends, he takes it as something personal.


One of the things he hates the most is any type of discrimination, whatever the reason.


Weapons / Abilities / Powers

Copy Abilities

He has the ability to copy abilities of any creature through contact with the object of the ability itself. Every time he copies an ability, his outfit changes according to that ability.

Air gun

He can launch weak aerial projectiles with puffs of air called Air gun that only affects weak enemies and without great resistance force.


He can summon stars to fly and travel at a distance, called Warp Star.

Long Longevity

Kirby is mortal, which can die of old age, illness or physical damage, but his race is long-lived, so he can live many more years than most living things.



In process

Kirby Dreamland events

Kirby Adventure events






Rival / Friend

Consider King Dedede a friendly friend and rival. They are both quite competitive, but Kirby knows how to handle defeat and victory well unlike Dedede. They fight many times over misunderstandings, but Kirby always ends up forgiving or apologizing. They prank each other, although more Dedede than Kirby, especially Dedede likes to make Kirby angry whenever he can, although Kirby doesn't usually last long the anger, especially with his friends. They trust each other deeply.


Meta Knight

Mentor / Rival / Friend

He considers him his mentor to develop as a star warrior, and also as a kind of father figure. Kirby greatly admires Meta Knight's wisdom, temperance and perseverance as a knight and star warrior, he is one of his greatest aspirations. They have had their differences at times, but generally they get along. He feels comfortable and welcomed spending time with him since he is the only one of his own race that he knows.


Bandana Waddle Dee


Consider Bandana a great friend and fellow adventurer. He feels comfortable around him and likes to tease him as he is easily impressionable. Whenever he sees him nervous and insecure, Kirby gives him words of encouragement.




Gooey is a great friend to whom he can teach everything about the world and life. His friendship is very close and affectionate, enough to consider him a brother. The little Dark Matter is like a little brother to protect, even though Gooey is 1 year older than Kirby. They never have being seen fighting or it is unknown if it could have happened. Kirby is always there to support Gooey and whenever they are seen together they radiate a great source of happiness and positive energy.