Lambert Natalus



3 years, 1 month ago



  • uyuuXsC.png
  • A laid back Tiefling alchemist who enjoys mixing things together and seeing what the results are, whether it be making random potions, cooking, or creating children. He's a chipper man who lives life perhaps a bit too optimistically. A bit of a walking-PSA ad sometimes. Loves visiting new places.

  • World Metrianda(Originally Fantasy, Fiction)
  • Alignment Neutral Good
  • Species Half-Drow, Half-Tiefling Male
  • Age45 [Birthday: April 25, 2021]
  • Height 5'9" (175 cm)
  • Weight ~128 lbs (58 kg)
  • RomanticismFemale-leaning Biromantic
  • Sexuality Asexual
  • Ailments Hmmm. SOMETHING.
  • Aliases The Potion Man
  • Playlist YouTubeSpotify



Lambert Natalus

Alchemist Artificer (15)

HP: 138/138




















  • Insight: +13
  • Investigation: +10
  • Nature +15
  • Perception: +8
  • Persuation: +7
  • All Tools
  • Draconic/Latin
  • Infernal/Spanish


  • ♥ Trains ♥
  • All other forms of Vehicular Travel
  • Jazz
  • Fluffy Clothing
  • Experimentation
  • Reading Instruction Manuals
  • Gathering Plants
  • Easily Impressed People
  • Flying
  • Cheese


  • Sitting at Home
  • All Vices
  • Symphony Concerts


A rather excitable, chipper, laid back man who just wants to be free to travel the world. As a kid, he was always held back from exploring, due to his weakened constitution, but after turning to alchemy and technology, he realized he could do anything he set his mind to if he used tools to bolster himself. He doesn't have any lofty goals; he just wants to experience as much as he can during his life.

He's the type to just travel from place to place, helping out when he can. He's joined many an 'adventuring party,' helping them out on their quests, putting his healing potential and flying capabilities to good use. Whenever he needs extra money, he hunkers down for a bit and creates magical items to sell, until he has enough gold to get by once more.

  • He has a great sense of taste and smell, but also has a very liberal tasting palate. He can tell if something 'doesn't taste good,' but it doesn't phase him nearly as much as most would.
  • When it comes to experiments, he likes the thrill of the unknown more than how potent the results are (though potent potions do tend to be more exciting).
  • He likes making people happy, and children seem to enjoy his 'magic' the most, so he tends to prefer spending time with them over adults. He tends to not charge children for his services—or he'll at least charge the parent at a discount.
  • He tends to be very prepared, despite his laid back personality. He may look like he's an easy target, but in reality, he's always on the lookout and tends to have protections set up if he ever is ambushed.
  • With his wings, Freedom of Movement Spells, and Cloak of the Manta Ray, he cannot be bound by land, wind, or water.
  • He adores trains, and has funded many of them. He's also a huge fan of Thomas the Tank Engine.
  • He's excited by the mystery and intrigue of seeing what traits kids will get from different species procreating. As such, he's had a lot of partners (including potentially some he's paid money to have a kid with). Despite all this, he is asexual. He does it for the children and nothing else.
    • He's terrible at naming things, all his kids being named after the species he procreated with (Ava the Avariel, Hugh the Human, Yuan the Yuan-Ti Pureblood, Geeno the Gnome, Elfa the Elf, etc.). If he named himself, he'd have been called 'Tief.'
  • Fear: Betrayal. He trusts his allies a lot because he does believe there is potential for 'good' in everyone, but he fears that he won't be able to change them, and that they may utilize the tools he gave them to commit horrible acts. He does not want to feel complicit. He tries to keep on a happy face, tricking both himself and others into thinking everything will work out and he 'knows what he's doing.'

Lambert was one of seven children born to Tiefling and Drow movie stars, but he did not much care for the life of glamor outside of the clothing. He went to college for Chemistry, but while he enjoyed the process of experimentation, he found it rather bland to develop potions to sell to large businesses. Confident in his abilities to get by on potion sales alone, he decides decides to leave the sedimentary life behind in his mid-thirties, and start traveling the world. He quickly finds the thrill of creating potions from wild plants far more fun than having everything at his immediate disposal, and when the option to travel to different planes is granted to him by Eka's pirate ship, his eldest daughter pushes him to go, which he eventually does, taking his youngest children with him.

While on the ship, him and his 'crew' end up facing off against a few Liches, and while he barely attacks anyone, the others end up disintegrating a reluctant enemy's sword, which they later learn was her cursed sister. They capture the girl, and Lambert, feeling horrible about the loss of her sister, vows to try his hardest to revive her by whatever means necessary.

After arriving in Metrianda, he happens upon the Mystics, which can grant wishes, but they must take something away from him before the wish can be granted. He gives up his ability to leave Metrianda—a harsh toll for someone whose whole life's goal was to explore new worlds—and the sword is restored, though the curse is not removed.

Him, Carol, and the girl [Sapherine] spend the next 700 years travelling Metrianda in search for a cure for the curse, and they finally succeed in 9942, only to immediately run into trouble with Sapherine's elder sister, another Lich that they fought all those years ago. The Lich Lyzarra is driven off once more, and with Sapherine's sister finally restored, the four can finally celebrate, though it doesn't last more than half a century, when Sapherine's beloved sister ends up turning to the enemy's side: her father's side.


  • Alert: Despite seeming pretty oblivious, he's always has his eyes peeled and his ears listening for anything 'off.' He can't be surprised in combat.
  • Easy-Going: Pretty easy to get along with, though his carefree nature may annoy some.
  • Optimist: Tends to look on the bright side of life, which can help keep others motivated as well.
  • Helpful: Pretty open to helping people out in a pinch; rarely charges money.


  • Frail without Magic: Born with a weak body, thus isn't the best at physical tasks (though his Amulet of Health boosts him from a 7 CON to a 19 :|).
  • Impatient: He really hates standing around. He's fine with meticulous planning—and even enjoys it, but just waiting for someone else to make a decision makes him antsy and he may just take matters into his own hands if he has his own plan.
  • Overconfident: Overall, he's pretty good at preparing for the worst, but he can be a tad overconfident, when he thinks his sheer force of will can get him by. 'Charming spell? I can resist that; no problem~.' And then he gets charmed.

Basically, he's a movement-oriented support-based dude.

  • Gets +5 to all healing spells due to an alchemy perk.
  • Support:
    • Healing: Healing Word, Mass Healing Word, Cure Wounds, Heal (once per day)
    • Movement: Longstrider, Freedom of Movement, Haste
    • Revive:  Revivify, Death Ward
    • Restore: Lesser Restoration, Greater Restoration (once per day)
    • Resistance to Psychic/Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws (1 hr. Concentration): Intellect Fortress,
    • Summon Construct (Concentration): Buddy. 
    • Saving Throw Boosts: 
      • Flash of Genius (Reaction): +5 (5 times per day) 
      • Resistance/Bless (Concentration): +1d4. 3 allies. 1 minute.
    • Ability Check Boost:
      • Guidance (Concentration): +1d4
  • Defenses: 
    • Resistance to Fire, Acid, and Poison
    • Absorb Elements (1st level Spell): Resistance to Lightning, Cold, Thunder
    • Alert: Can't be surprised. +5 Initiative.
  • Movement:


Mage Hand [Invisible. No S/V]
Thorn Whip

Level 1

Absorb Elements
Cure Wounds
Healing Word
Ray of Sickness

Level 2

Acid Arrow
Enhance Ability
Flaming Sphere
Lesser Restoration (1 time)
Melf's Acid Arrow
Misty Step (1 time free)

Level 3

Gaseous Form
Intellect Fortress
Mass Healing Word

Level 4

Death Ward
Freedom of Movement
Summon Construct

Level 5

Greater Restoration (1 use)

Level 6

Heal (1 use. 75 HP)