Audrey M. Brauer



3 years, 1 month ago



Audrey Brauer

  • DESIGNER Ziamontri
  • VERSE Earth
  • ROLE Disaster
  • WORTH Priceless <3
  • THEME Girls by MARINA
  • AGE 14
  • BIRTHDAY April 14th
  • PRONOUNS She/Her
  • RACE Human
  • HEIGHT 5'4"
  • WEIGHT 110lbs
  • ORIENTATION Demisexual
  • RELATIONSHIP Lovable daughter, feral niece
  • STATUS Alive


Imagine living with the woman who killed your father.

It's gotta be tough, right? It definitely was for Audrey. When she found out that her dad died, she was devastated, and knew in the back of her mind that her mother had something to do with it. Obviously, her mother reassured her that he actually wasn't dead despite what her uncle had told her unbeknownst to her mother. Alas, the news told a different story. Audrey wanted to believe it, though. She wanted to believe that this wasn't her own mother's fault. She tried telling herself that over and over again...but deep down, something in her knew that it was her, but she was never brave enough to confront her about it. That was about the only thing that she wasn't brave enough to do.

And when her dad finally came to retrieve both her and her robitic sister, everything was clear as day, and she's been so much happier ever since.


Audrey Melissa Brauer is a name you do Not want to mess with. Being the daughter of some whore of a mother, you'd think that some of that mother's personality rubbed off on her. No, Audrey's not a whore, but she will exploit someone's weakness if she sees it. You dont wanna get on her bad side. She's a Fighter more than a Lover and loves her family dearly...even if it doesn't seem like it on the outside. She'll find any way to bully her aunt and uncle. Especially her uncle. Go ask him yourself.

It's unquestionably clear that her mother is the cause of the majority of her personality. She was always taught to never lose, and she took it to heart. If you mess with her, you damn well better be ready for something big coming right back at ya. It doesn't matter her size, or her age, Audrey Brauer is the last person you'd wanna fuck with. I'm serious. You don't want to be kid who knocked out her tooth.


  • 5'4 gremlin with mandys pink skin, wavy brandy punch hair that's always in pigtails with free strands on either side of her face, blue eyes, and wears a sleeveless white blouse with a purple skirt and black belt, black knee-high socks, and purple boots
  • One small ahoge where her hair parts; her hair parts in the middle, typically following where her nose is
  • Has a missing front tooth
  • Arrogant and conceited, always bragging and smiling confidently, can get extremely Pissed
  • She wears eyeshadow sometimes (third color)



Andrew Brauer • Father

Her beloved father and the one person she doesn't bully. Ever since he (rightfully yet illegally) took her away from her mom, things have been going a bit better for her! She's finally in the arms of a loving parent. Not that her mother didn't love her, per say, but Andrew has a better time of showing it, and a better time of doing anything with her, really. He's started to teach her the Correct morals, but Audrey's spent the better part of her childhood with her mother, so she may not adapt exactly how Andrew would like. It doesn't bother him, though, just means he has a daughter who doesn't know when to back down.

Andrew is her favorite person in the world. Sure, she loves the rest of her family, even if it doesn't seem like that on the surface, but Andrew holds a special place in her heart. He actually cares for her, buys her things that she expresses interest in, and engages with her by playing Hide n' Seek every now and then. And that's more than Deliliah ever did. She brags to her peers at school about him, which may or may not be a good thing since he's technically a criminal in hiding.


Delilah Holt-Brauer • Mother

Her mother. If Audrey could, she would disown Delilah Holt-Brauer as her mother. Well, she kinda already did when Andrew came to rightfully take her away. She wished she could've said it to her face, though. She did give Delilah the bird as she, Andrew, Thomas, and an inactive Ophelia walked out of the house, so that was gonna have to work for now.

Delilah wasn't neglectful to Audrey. She just didn't have her priorities straight. She didn't have either of their priorities straight. All Delilah really told her to do was to never lose. It seems like valid parental advise from the outside, but if you were there when Audrey came back home from school with a missing tooth, you'd see how harsh this woman was with her child. Audrey couldn't wait to get out of that house. It happened 4 years earlier than planned, but she wasn't gonna complain about that.


Josephine "Sophie" E. Hidwin • Auntie

Sometimes calling her "Crackhead," Josephine is Audrey's second favorite person in the world to bully. It's all in good fun, though! most of the time-- Sometimes Audrey sees her as somewhat of a second mom, as she sometimes does the things that Delilah should've done as a mother, such as taking care of her and forcing her to eat breakfast even though she won't comply. Audrey would love to trade Delilah for Sophie any day.

When it comes to snooping around to find secrets about her family, Sophie is Audrey's main target. Sophie has always seemed so . . . closed off about something. It's made Audrey more curious about her auntie than ever. She's not one to let those kinds of things go. If she can find out about it, then she will do her damnedest to do so. She wouldn't tell anyone about it, though. Still, it's safe to say that her mother wasn't a very good influence.


Thomas "Tam" A. Holt • Uncle

The man, the myth, the Legend himself. Audrey's number 1 person to bully in the whole world. Not just in her family, but in the World. Her uncle. She mostly taunts him on how much of a stick the man is, her main method being that she literally just sits on him and he can't do anything about it. It's funny to her, but even if it isn't funny to Thomas, she does it anyway. It's all in good fun; she cares about him dearly.

She's very aware of the underlying feelings that Thomas has for Andrew, which is another big reason why she bullies him so much. She always tries to egg him on with confessing, calling him cowardly and even threatening that she'd do it herself she never would, though. Thomas is in a lot of denial about his feelings towards her father, and once she sat on the man for the majority of a day until he admitted his feelings for him. He never did, Audrey just fell asleep and Thomas was able to get her off of him.


Ophelia "Ophy" Holt-Brauer • Robo Sis!!

Technically her sister and another person that Audrey brags constantly about, Ophelia is the robot that her father and uncle came to retrieve when they also came to get her. Even though Ophelia may just an object to other people, Audrey really does see Ophelia as her sister. A siser than can do a bunch of cool things that a "regular" sister can't! Can your sister shoot balls of light from the gun on her arm? I didn't think so!

Audrey makes sure to spend quality time with Ophy whenever she can, like watching TV together, trying on different amalgamations of outfits and laughing at each other, even finding an opossum to keep as a pet and also scare the hell out of Andrew with! Audrey and Ophelia are a Dynamic Duo, and nothing can stop them from causing chaos around the house together. Not even their dad.


Kaspar "Katze" Holt-Brauer • Li'l Bro!!

When Audrey found out that she was going to be a big sister, you would not believe the smile that grew across her face. She still tried to hide it, though, as it was her uncle who was the one that told her, and the one carrying him. This was also when Audrey found out that her uncle was trans. What can she say, he pulls it off so well! And eventually, Kaspar Holt-Brauer was born! Audrey couldn't have been more overjoyed.

Now Audrey does everything she can to care for and protect her little brother. If that means telling a kid off or threatening to hit them if they bothered her Katze, then so be it. Kaspar does tell Audrey not to do those kinds of things, though, as they aren't really the nicest way to about it. But Audrey insists so that these brats know not to mess with him! Even so, Kaspar seems to be the only thing that kind of keeps Audrey at bay, and she's okay with that. For the most part.


Venus Holt-Brauer • Another Robo Sis

Quite some time after Kaspar was born, the family found out about another robot, the same kind that Ophelia is. She just showed up at their doorstep one day, but it seemed that Ophy already knew about her. The robot herself, who also had an official name that she was never gonna use, told the family that she ran away from her creators and followed some signal from Ophy or something. Well, now there was another girl in the house! But this new girl kind of got on her nerves quite a bit.

This robot, who everyone called Venus, was pretty mean. Especially to Ophy. But no one gets to be mean to Ophy!! Audrey and Venus would fight a lot, usually verbally. They'd pick on each other, annoy each other, try to one-up each other, things that you'd expect from siblings. But if these two were to ever team up on anything, you'd better be prepared to experience a Living Nightmare.


In 2007, everyone was happy. Andrew just had a kid, Delilah finally got another one-up on Thomas, and Audrey was born into the world. Her parents took great care of her, and she grew up to be a very smart and diligent child. However, it seemed to come at the cost of her kindness. Audrey Brauer isn't the nicest person, and you can ask anyone about that. Her mother had something to do with it, as she taught Audrey many things about being assertive and to not take shit from anybody. The little girl, taught to take the things that her mother says to heart, possibly took them a little too far. It worked, however, as after an incident at school, no one wanted to mess with her again.

Audrey was very close with her father. Part of the reason was because he'd say yes to almost anything she'd ask for, but most of the reason was because he was so nice to her. Nicer than Delilah was at times. Delilah was strict, constantly pressuring her to do extremely well in school. If she didn't, she'd be forbidden to hang out with friends, or play games. The second one hurt a lot, she loved playing games with her dad. It confused her, honestly. Why was her dad nicer than her mom? Shouldn't they both be the same kind of niceness to her since they're both her parents? This caused her to start keeping secrets from her mom. She would go to her dad about a problem she had before bringing it up to her mom. You'd think that the kindness that her dad showed her would mellow her extremely tough personality out a little, but it didn't. She just decided to be nice to her dad, and if anyone bad-mouthed him while she was in earshot, they would regret it.

That's how she lost her tooth. One day in the first year of middle school, after a certain . . . event, Audrey heard a boy talking about her. It sounded as if he was trying to spread rumors, which warranted talk about her dad as well as her, but she was having none of that; especially not after what had happened. She confronted him in the hallway, demanding that the boy stop speaking slander in her and her father's name. The boy told her that he was going to do whatever he wanted, and that she couldn't stop him. That was his first mistake. Audrey gave him another warning, just to be nice, and told him that she wasn't going to be asking again. The boy still didn't take it seriously, so she swung at him. That's when the fight broke out.

Audrey wasn't expecting the boy to fight back like he did, and he caught Audrey off guard at some point. He was able to punch her in the face hard enough for a tooth to be knocked right out of her mouth. The hallway went silent. The boy thought he had won, but when Audrey got up and turned to look that boy in the eye, he thought he was about to see Jesus. He was almost right, as Audrey lunged at him without a second thought, tackling him to the ground and pinning him there. After that, she just wailed on the boy, assaulting him until she made him bleed, broke his nose, and gave him not one, but two black eyes. The fight had finally been broken up by a teacher, and that boy was missing from school for about a week. No one messed with her after that. It was her proudest moment, even if she did get in very big trouble because of it.


One 2017 day was the worst day of her life. 10 year old Audrey was wondering why her father was taking so long to get home. When she gets home from school, her dad is usually quick to follow. Sometimes he would stay at his workplace for longer than usual, but he would tell her and her mom about it so they didn't worry about him getting home so late. But neither Audrey nor Delilah—as far as she knew—had gotten any kind of contact from Andrew, so Audrey was getting very worried. She'd ask her mom where her dad was, and she'd say that he told her that it was another one of those days where he worked later. Audrey wanted to believe her, but her dad would've told her if he was going to be working late today. If not in person before going to work, then through the group text chat that they shared. That group chat hadn't been active today, but who's to say that Andrew accidentally only sent the text to her mom, thinking that he sent it to the both of them? No... as much of a dumbass as he is, her dad wouldn't make that kind of mistake.

The thought about texting gave her the idea to try and contact him for a change. So, without Delilah knowing, Audrey went up to her room to try and text her dad. There was no immediate response, which wasn't too weird because he was supposed to be at work, but Audrey still continued to worry. She called him this time, hoping that he would answer and say that everything was okay. But he never did. She called again. He didn't answer. She called again. He still didn't answer. This immensely worried the poor girl. Was he just very busy? Did something happen? Was this all just a very mean and elaborate prank that her parents were pulling on her? So many thoughts went through her head—thoughts that a 10 year old girl shouldn't have. The situation was scaring her.

All hope would've been lost for the poor girl if a new thought hadn't come to her mind. Thomas, her uncle, was also working that day, she was sure. She doesn't keep in contact with him as much as her dad, but there was no way Thomas wouldn't be at work. And, even if he wasn't, she could convince him to go check on Andrew! So she sat on the floor, leaning back onto her bed and called her uncle... And he answered. He answered! Oh, she wanted to cry, but she'd never do that in front of her uncle, so she kept her composure as much as possible. She eagerly, yet still with worry in her voice, asked where her dad was. She told him that he wasn't answering her calls or texts and hoped that his phone just died or something or that he was unexpectedly extra busy or—

Wait. Was Thomas... crying? She'd never heard her uncle cry before, especially not in front of her. Any other day, she would poke fun at the man, but this situation was no laughing matter, so she did the thing any normal kid would do and asked what was wrong. It took a little bit for Thomas to gain his composure enough to speak in coherent English, but he eventually got out all of the words he needed. Unfortunately for Audrey, that was hearing that her father had sadly passed away in a minor explosion that happened in their lab. Neither of them knew how or why, but what Thomas did know is that the facility was empty by the time the explosion took place. This was a lot for a 10 year old to take in. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing now. She had to be quiet about it, however, because she didn't want her mother to hear. Thomas told Audrey to not tell anyone that he was alive, and she obliged, no questions asked. Thomas also told Audrey another thing, something she'd never forget and still remembers to this day:

"I'm going to find a way to get your dad back. I promise you."


The whole ordeal was a mess. Audrey had to keep a secret from her mom and her aunt, and she liked her aunt. You'd think that keeping a secret from her mom would be difficult since that's the only other person in the house now, but Audrey is a stubborn and resiliant young lady. She would not let Thomas down. It was even easier to keep that secret when one night, while Delilah was asleep, Audrey snuck into the attic. Some few days prior, a mysterious package came to their door by an unknown person. Unknown to Audrey, anyway. Without any warning, a robot was in their house! An entire robot! A big one too, this one was human-sized. Her mother told her that Thomas had dropped it off, but Audrey wasn't buying it. She was also told not to touch it, that it was not a toy and she wasn't supposed to be near it. Well, if she could keep one secret from her mother, it wouldn't be that hard keeping two, so she went into the attic to find this mysterious robot.

It was dusty as hell when she first found it, so she decided to keep it clean. After all, she'd always hear her dad talk very excitedly about a robot that he and Thomas were working on, so this must've been it if Thomas dropping it off was true. She figured that if they were keeping it for a bit, shouldn't she be in better condition? She made it a weekly routine to go up to the attic to dust off her dad and uncle's robot, and try not to accidentally turn her on while doing so, without Delilah ever knowing.

Years went by, 4 to be exact. At this point, she had lost a tooth due to some dumbass kid, and she had been keeping a secret for so long. She had scarce contact with her uncle, as he was trying to keep up the facade that he was dead and didn't need Delilah accidentally finding that out through Audrey's contacts. Not that Delilah was the kind of mom to look through her daughter's phone, but better safe than sorry. After Audrey had gotten home from school one day, she immediately went upstairs to her room, falling onto her bed face-first. The day was exhausting and she just wanted some rest. So when she heard a knock at the front door, she didn't bother going to see who it was. She heard some voices and thought nothing of it. Then there was a knock at her own door and she dreaded having to get up off her bed to open it. She'd never regret it though, because standing in her doorframe, taller than she remembered with threatening tears in his eyes, was her father. Thomas had kept his promise.

With much objection from Delilah, and with much very illegal action, Audrey went to live with her father again. They had also retrieved their robot along with Audrey, who she soon learned had a name! It was Ophelia, but they liked to call her Ophy for short. She had an even more official name, but there was no way Audrey was gonna call her "project inquiry" or whatever, so she stuck with Ophy. Audrey technically became an older sister to Ophelia, and would absolutely brag about her to the other kids at school. Everyone cut off all contact with Delilah. Audrey and Thomas got to talk more and Audrey was finally able to bully him again. She missed it. Her aunt Josephine would visit the Brauer house frequently.

But most importantly, Audrey had her father back.


  • Her father
  • Dogs
  • Winning
  • Bubblegum
  • Making fun of her family


  • Her mother
  • Losing
  • Sore losers
  • Hard candy
  • Crying


  • Collecting shiny things
  • Bullying her family
  • Skating
  • Writing fake diary entries
  • Dancing (when no one's around)


  • Insulting people (usually in a loving way)
  • Rubbing her tongue against her missing tooth
  • Chewing bubblegum (not obnixiously)
  • Twirling her fingers through her dangling hair
  • Pointing. She points a lot


  • Doesn't take shit from anyone
  • Sometimes knows when to quit
  • Sick comebacks
  • Observant (for the most part)
  • Perceptive


  • Willingly gets into fights
  • Sometimes Doesn't know when to quit
  • A bit narcissistic
  • Brags sometimes about how awesome her dad is
  • That bragging could lead to his arrest


  • Despite her very rough demeanor and metal hide, Audrey's still a child and will respond to things as such. She still has her fears and she definitely still has her emotions.
  • Most of her behavior comes from watching her mom; the only thing she ever taught her as a parent was to never lose. Sure, she had her dad to model after too but...that didn't last for very long.
  • She really is a bubblegum bitch.
  • She lost her tooth in a fight that that she won and became pretty renowned at her school. Her mom was able to slither her way through the school's policies to let her stay.
  • Audrey sits on Thomas a lot and there's nothing he can do about it.
Code by Aurorean