Melanie "Mel" Bouvardia



3 years, 1 month ago


Age: 25
Height: 5'4" (5'7" with boots)
Weight: 124 lbs
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

A quiet and serious Pokemon Ranger who aims to do what she can to help people and Pokemon, but is somewhat held back by her social awkwardness. Her intimidating appearance lead many to believe she's just as menacing in personality, but those who get to know her learn she's a kind and sweet person--with a smidge of coarseness--who just needs a bit to break through her shell. A candy lover, Mel always has some sweets on her, usually snacking on a lollipop out of habit. She keeps Pokemon candy as well, just in case she needs to cheer up a troubled Pokemon.

Born to a family with a long line of Top Coordinators, Mel was expected and eager to fall into the family line, but found that the act of performing in front of enormous crowds to be terrifying. When her parents attempted to force her to continue, she lashed out and reworked her life, instead following the path to the Ranger she is today. She doesn't regret becoming closer to nature and having the chance to help so many people, but a part of her wonders if she made the right choice leaving her family behind...

Accompanied by Scarlet, her calm and collected Delphox partner, Mel has recently developed a desire to challenge the Gym Leaders of her region, wanting to prove to herself and others just how strong she really is.

Mel is the character that I play in my friend arrozsparrow's Pokemon Nuzlocke DnD Campaign!