


3 years, 8 days ago


6'10", holier-than-thou + foppish demeanor, gets into a lot of trouble since he wants to constantly defend himself, detests humanoid society but is oddly compelled to observe it as he is half-gnoll underneath it all

Ko (or Koh) is a 'dapper' gnoll who actually is a nuisance among his clan. he's too fanciful for them, yet too disgusting and unfit for society among humanoids.
he enjoys speaking human tongue but doesn't like sharing his knowledge with just anyone. more often than not he speaks in the canid tongue (but if he's trying to impress someone, he will speak 'like a humanoid').

he loves ivory and birch, he enjoys woodworking above all else, which is quite unbecoming for someone as tough as him-- his jewelries are all ivory! including his braid beads. he considers himself an enjoyer of beauty, knowing quite well that there are many gnolls who find his standards odd and out of place, and instead letting his wagging tail over humanoid statuettes and clothing to speak for his heart.
he guards his half-elven heritage closely, especially since he does not appear as one. his difficulty blending in with 'pure' gnolls often leaves him as the butt of jokes, and he can never resist fighting back against the insults; his nasty scars are old dispute wounds shoddily healed.

he's an AU character but he can stand on his own if need be!