Vex Dreadful



3 years, 1 month ago


This character is a part of the Glorious ARPG. Feel free to join us.

Vex "Not a Pirate" Dreadful

Name Vex Dreadful
NickName Captain, Vex
Age Middle Aged
Gender male | he/him
Build tall | thin
Orientation Heterosexual
Status Widower
Arcana IV: The Emperor
Species Human
Dominant Mutations None
Recessive Mutation None
City Badwater
Rank Zeta
Career Path Comminicator
Affinity Lochluck
Magic None
INT 13 +1
WIS 20 +2
CHR 15 +1
STR 16 +0
DEF 13 +0
SPD 12 +0
AGI 09 +0
Sanity Points 100
EXPerience 23
INfluence 13% (known)
NOTORIETY 45% (very bad)


Vex is the nihilistic captian of The Sea Rovers Ship. The crew doesn't do much other than attack foreign ships and drink. They travel around the oceans surrounding the Oblivion but they always return to Badwater City, their place of birth and the only settlement they have sworn loyalty to.

"I scorn to do anyone a mischief, when it is not for my advantage." - Charles Bellamy


Neutral Evil . Nihlistic

Integer hendrerit lacinia mi venenatis fermentum. Vivamus gravida id felis a tempus. Morbi faucibus, ipsum nec viverra pretium, dolor ex blandit risus, sed scelerisque diam justo at ipsum. In laoreet sollicitudin augue, sed sodales tellus elementum ac.

Expressions, Behaviors & Mannerisms
Usually slurs his words appears to be drunk all the time (regardless if he has had alcohol). He is apathetic about most situations, the only time he sobers up and is attentive is when they are at war or under attack.

Attitude & Ideals
He doesn't really care for much in the world other than his ship and crewmates. As a captian he must be firm with his crew but he still cares for them, after all, they are the ones that help keep the ship sailing smoothly. Also you know, he did kill their first captian lol.

"ah fuck, i can't beleive you done this"


Vex was born in Badwater City. His father was a drunk sailor that was swallowed by the sea, and his mother a prostitute that met her end by the hands of an aggressive customer. He had to fend for himself and shortly after his mothers death he joined a crew at the age of 12.


He worked hard on his ship and became a respected man amongst his new family. He even scored him self a gorgeous woman, Helena. She was his love, his life, she shined brighter than the morning sun. He didn't know how he would ever live without her. Unfortunately, she becomes cursed with Pseudogem, a very rare case for humans, it's absolutely unheard of and left the human doctors stumped how a human could become infected with and Ancient disease. Her condition worsened every day and eventually killed her.


After the death of Helena he wasn't him self anymore. He returned to his ship with a dark cloud over his head. He convinced the crew to turn on their captian and he replaced him. He lead the crew through many wars against any other ship that dared to challange him.


Eventually his hate will lead to his doom, but we will worry about that when the time comes.


  • Beer
  • Rum
  • Alcohol


  • Being Sober
  • City folk / landlubbers


  • Drinking to keep the depression at bay


  • Likes to do tricks with his lighter when he's bored or unamused

Positive traits

  • loyal (to his men only)
  • assertive
  • leader

Neutral traits

  • disillusioned
  • apathetic
  • competitive

Negative Traits

  • selfish
  • alcoholic
  • impatient
  • cruel


  • Despite his usual apathetic attitude he makes a great leader, he is persistant and can easliy motivate his crew with a few words


  • Cannot face his inner demons so he turns to alcohol to deal with them


  • knowledgable in operating the ship can can quickly come up with solutions under stress
  • Good navigation skills but prefers to rely on a Navigator


  • None yet


  • Despite being drunk all the time he sobers up quickly when the ship is in trouble
  • Poor guy is probably gonna die of liver failure
  • Waywardism: The belief that The Ring, a floating light hovering over the ocean, is the controller of nature. Thus, humans have no control over their actions, and have no control over the sea. Most who practice religion don't celebrate holidays, nor pray, instead they work hard to keep themselves alive, but do not fear death. The only time one may celebrate is after a good night’s work. [from the groups website]
  • ambidextrous because I cant bother to be consistent
  • He keeps a bunch of weapons (other than his sword and pistol) concealed under his body. How does he not hurt himself when he sits down?
  • Acts drunk even when sober, that way he doesn't have to take responsibility of his actions.


Zombies Ate My Pirate Ship- Alestorm
Out for Blood- Sum 41
Never There- Sum 41
Shipwrecked- Alestorm
Man With A Plan- Korpiklaani
Keelhauled- Alestorm
World So Cold- Three Days Grace
Shit Boat- Alestrom



A silver plated locket full of his late wife's crystals. In the center there is an obsidian stone embedded with the wayward symbol.


Flintlock Pistol:
An ornate gun made of darkwood and silver. Vex usually only uses it in duels.


Cigarette Case:
A metal case to hold his cigarettes, it keeps them relelatively dry.


A Zippo style lighter to light his cigarettes. It was worth an arm an a leg but it withstands the harsh winds of the seas.


Cutlass & Scabbard:
a slightly curved and short blade, good for fighting at close quarters. Vex's preferred weapon.


Bottle of Rum:
Doesn't have to be rum, he just needs it to be alcohol.

Trinkets & Trophies







Design Notes

  • Pale, sickly skin
  • Dark eye makeup optional, they hide his eye bags
  • Lil bit of stubble
  • Feel free to modify his clothes but keep in mind:
    • The wayward symbol on his cap is mandatory, but its ok to simplify it or completely change its style
    • He exclusively wears dark colours
    • All his jewely is silver, no bronze or gold.
    • His wife's locket is always under his clothes, its only visible when his shirt is unbuttoned or completely off.
    • Other than that, it's up to you.
  • See his inventory (the treasure chest icon above) for weapons and other accessories

Helena • Dead Wife

The one person he loves most and she still left him :^(



Integer hendrerit lacinia mi venenatis fermentum. Vivamus gravida id felis a tempus. Morbi faucibus, ipsum nec viverra pretium, dolor ex blandit risus, sed scelerisque diam justo at ipsum. In laoreet sollicitudin augue, sed sodales tellus elementum ac.



Integer hendrerit lacinia mi venenatis fermentum. Vivamus gravida id felis a tempus. Morbi faucibus, ipsum nec viverra pretium, dolor ex blandit risus, sed scelerisque diam justo at ipsum. In laoreet sollicitudin augue, sed sodales tellus elementum ac.