


3 years, 1 month ago



Name Kokabiel
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Straight (species has >2 sexes)
Species Ceasarian angel
Shifting Possession
Magical affinity Angelic grace


Kokabiel has a calm, reserved attitude and doesn't show a lot of emotion on the surface level. She is very blunt, honest, and direct, choosing not to mince words when saying what she thinks. Those who don't know her very well get the impression that she is militaristic and intimidating. Those who do manage to get close to her, however, will find that she's a very intensely protective individual who will stop at nothing to preserve the safety of those she cares about. She has, on multiple occasions, been the one to check in on a friend and find they need help.


Kokabiel was a seraph created by Ceasar for Samael, one of his archangels. She was bound to Samael's will, forced to do whatever she told her to do. In a way, she was more property than partner. Samael was particularly unreasonable and abusive, but Kokabiel simply reacted with obedience, at the time not beleiving herself to have emotions. When the archangels fell, Samael became Lucifer, and Kokabiel was no longer bound to her.

Ancestry, magic, and shapeshifting

Kokabiel, as a seraph, has all the powers a Ceasarian angel typically has, just stronger. She can use her grace in a manner that those in the multiverse of Rift would relate to light magic. She is unable to shapeshift, but her lack of a physical form allows her the ability to possess individuals, on the condition of their consent. This need not make the host, or "vessel" completely unable to control themselves, and Kokabiel typically gives Zoe, her vessel, ample opportunity to act for herself.



Eli Aquila [ Unfriendly ]

Kokabiel and Eli have had to work together on numerous occasions, and know each other very well. They despise each other but will tolerate cooperation for the greater good.


Inkwell Encrier [ Friends ]

Inkwell and Kokabiel have worked together often and they have a deep, lasting respect for each other. She thought him juvenile at first, but soon realized he hid wisdom behind his behavior.


Anika [ Subordinate/student ]

Kokabiel chose Anika for her cleverness and resourcefulness.


Cotton [ Subordinate/student ]

Kokabiel chose Cotton because of the skill with which he wielded a naga spear, an unusual weapon for a foxkin.


Flint [ Subordinate/student ]

Kokabiel chose Flint for his unique fighting style.


Kaelin [ Subordinate/student ]

Kokabiel chose Kaelin because of their unique perspective.


Zoe [ Wife ]

In Ceasar's multiverse, there are three sexes, and they form romantic partnerships consisting of one of each. Kokabiel met Zoe first. She is very protective of her. Because Kokabiel lacks a physical form, she usually inhabits Zoe's body in order to better protect both of them.


Xain [ Friendly acquaintance ]

Kokabiel learned a lot about the Goddess's angels from Xain, and sees him as an example of what a respectable angel should behave like.


Fort [ Acquaintance ]

Kokabiel doesn't trust Fort.


Velvet [ Frequented chef ]

Kokabiel was initially skeptical of Velvet, but was eventually begrudgingly won over when he made a cake perfectly suited to her angelic tastes.


Rosemary [ Sparring partner ]

Kokabiel and Rosemary both love to hone their combat skills, so it was only inevitable that the two would enjoy sparring with each other.


Paige [ Friend ]

Kokabiel, with Zoe's help, is one of the few people that has managed to find Paige without Paige meaning for them to. Kokabiel was initially distrustful of someone who would put so much effort into hiding but soon understood.


Chelsie [ Friend ]

Despite her distaste for Chelsie's husband, Kokabiel greatly enjoys spending time with Chelsie, and sees her as one of the few people who understand how she feels as an angel, even if Chelsie is an angel created by a different deity.


Ceasar [ Creator deity ]

Though created by Ceasar, Kokabiel holds no affinity toward him.


Jack [ Husband ]

In Ceasar's multiverse, there are three sexes, and they form romantic partnerships consisting of one of each. Zoe and Kokabiel met Jack when they were in college. Kokabiel was hesitant at first but Jack eventually won her over.


Samael [ Former owner/ex-partner ]

Kokabiel may have been created for Samael, however after she fell and became Lucifer, Kokabiel was no longer bound to her.

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