Aliah Alys Rosasillus



3 years, 14 days ago


Aliah Alys Rosasillus


Name Aliah Alys Rosasillus
Called Aliah, Alys by Axel, Liah by Riku.
Age 16-21 (ages throughout)
Gender female
Race Rosasillian
Role Princess of the Rosasillian Empire
Key features Hair & Eyes


  • Clumsy
  • Kind
  • Lively
  • Stubborn


  • Baking
  • Sweet stuff
  • Flowers
  • Cats

"Greetings to you from upon the empire! May the sun forever shine above you. I am Aliah Alys Rosasillius, the imperial Princess of the Rosasillian Empire!" -- "Isn't today such a beautiful day? I always found myself being drawn to nature. There are so many beautiful things; for instance, these flowers! Aren't they so lovely? My favorite flowers are peonies and lilies. I like to put fresh flowers in my hair and outfits daily because the scent instantly reminds me of it's beautiful and calming nature! I also sometimes make things like rose jam with it. Do you think that's silly of a Princess to be cooking? Haha! I'm actually not the best with dealing with things like meat, (that's more of Axel's thing,) but I am very good at baking pastries! From macarons, to lemon meringue pie, (which is riku's fav!) I can make anything you can possibly think of. Oh! Speaking of pastries, it's nearly time for tea. Won't you please join me?"


Aliah is the imperial Princess of the Rosaillian empire. Many people look up to her and admire her secretly because of her personaility, charm, and very good deeds. Every year, Aliah hosts a charity ball, gives out freshly baked goods to commoners, and overall, is a kind and generous person. Aliah's family consists of only 3, herself, her elder brother, and the emperor. Unfortunately, Aliah's mother died from birthing complications while having her. She does not get to see her family often due to their duties. The emperor and Astenhart, her brother, loves her dearly. Apricus, the emperor, being aware of her condition, can't help spoiling her and giving her everything she desires. Astenhart is out on war so the both of them exchange letters regularly. Aliah loves her father, they are very close. Aliah's condition -- Death Bloom...

Death Bloom

Death Bloom -- An incredibly rare condition that causes the victim frequent sickness as the years go by, slowly deteriorating the body. As the name suggests, once the flower (aka the victim) blooms/matures, it wilts very quickly until it's arising death. There is no cure YET... The webcomic of "Love Is A Curse" will be going through Death Bloom, and a cure will be found eventually by our beloved Silas!


Aliah from the outside, is seen as elegant, generous, kind, caring and very much lively. She enjoys the beauty of life so much, and talks about it quite often. Her personaility is an ENFJ. She is also described as outgoing, righteous, charming and bright. Despite all that she've done, her looks and how she acts, she does not find herself charming at all. The more you get used to seeing her, the more little things you'll notice. Aliah is SUPER clumsy at the worst times. Because of this, she refrains from wearing high-heels, and instead is usually seen with low-heeled shoes. Another thing about her is her airheadedness, how easily flustered she is, and her stubborness. She appears as an angel, but once you get to know her enough, she's just like your normal person! It doesn't seem like it, but she likes to joke around and tease, just like anyone else does. It all adds onto her never-ending charm!


  • Aliah's eyes and hair color are present genes within royal families, and beacons. It symbolizes divinity. The imperial family has holy blood in them, which is why they have the bi-colored hair and eyes they do, just like beacons. (Beacons are pure holy blood. They are spirits of light that represents an animal in human form! You can read more about beacons and their creator in my beacons folder.)
  • Aliah is pretty skilled with the sword despite having a lower-than-average stamina. All imperial members are required to learn at least one form of self-defense and so Aliah chose the sword. (She rarely uses it, she hates the thought of harm.) The earrings she wear are actually transformable, they can change into her sword! This is known as a "Soul Weapon."
  • Aliah's favorite food is tanghulu/candied fruit.
  • Aliah has a fear of harm and death. It takes her a lot of courage to do something that she deems would allow harm done to another.
  • She often blushes and smiles a lot. A few characters such as Axel, envies that about her. She alway's appear happy about something.



Axel De Cormielle [ Lovers ]

The two are practically soulmates. They both met by a fountain when Axel found Aliah in tears. As they shared their worries with each other, their relationship grows quite close. A day before Aliah dies, Axel confesses his love for her as they promised to marry each other in their next lives. The moment Alish closed her eyes, she promised to go back, change her fate, and keep her promise. They will meet again when Aliah is 17 again.


Riku Arkalis [ Personal Aide + Bodyguard ]

Riku and Aliah are inseperatable. Their bond is like siblings, no matter how much they bicker or fight, they will always get along the next day. Aliah loves Riku's company. She bakes her favorite treats often because she knows Riku loves them! Riku is Aliah's personal aide and guard. A very beloved companion.


Silas De Irene [ Close Friends ]

Aliah and Silas both give off the same vibe, which naturally attracted them to each other. In Aliah's last life, he found the cure but it was too late. The newer Aliah will find him again and they'll work very closely! Silas is basically Aliah's savior and good friend!


Astenhart Rieran Rosasillus [ Siblings ]

Asten and Aliah are siblings! Asten is approx. 4 years older than Aliah. He is a good big brother, very protective and caring over his little sister. He adores her very much, despite rarely getting the chance to see her face to face.