Axel De Cormielle



3 years, 13 days ago



Name Axel De Cormielle
Called A**xel" by Cassius, "Arnold, Axeold, Ackle, Axey" By Riku
Age 19-22 (ages throughout storyline)
Gender Male
Race Rosasillian
Role Swordsman/knight, Aliah's Fiance, Duke Cormielle's heir
Theme Song link

Named a master of the sword by age 16, Axel is known to be a prodigy. His cold attitude, icy demeanor, and fierce presence makes him hard to approach, but his charm and polished appearance counters it all. Axel is a trained knight, and the heir of his family's Dukedom. It is rumored that he and the Princess of Rosasillus are lovers, as whenever sighted, they are together.


  • Aliah
  • The ocean
  • Rain
  • swords


  • Laziness
  • People
  • Cotton candy/overly sweet foods
  • Cassius


Axel does not open up to people easily. It is said, seeing just a smile from him is a rare sight. He gives off the aura of the moon, cold, far away, yet encaptivating.


Axel's family follow strict traditions. They will hold the sword by the age of 9 and undergo intense training. The Cormielles are known to be the family of knights. The knights of the Cormielle Dukedom could be seen as a counter to Rosasillus's imperial knights, as they are skilled and have a large size. The Cormielles do not show any weaknesses, including emotion. For a Cormielle, giving up is never an option. Axel was raised to win or die trying. While Axel himself finds the tradition to be difficult to achieve, he follows it strictly. Aliah would later allow him to break the tradition of keeping everything bottled up. Side facts: Axel resembles his mother more than his father in terms of appearance, but mentally, his father.

Character Analysis

Axel is somewhat of a kuudere. It is said that seeing him smile is a rare sight, unless he is around Marie (his little siter) or Aliah. (fiance) Often times, Axel is seen as a closed, calm, and quiet person. Despite looking angry and constipated all the time, he is pretty cool-tempered. He does not enjoy continuous training and being locked in the manor, so he visits Rosasillus's villages every so often. Axel is a nature-appreciator and enjoys beaches, waterfalls, and rain. Because he was born a progidy, he holds a lack of understanding in others. He tends to be quite strict on rules and looks down on others, as his passion is very strong. Heavily, he could be seen as judgemental and insensitive. If he sees you as "unworthy," he will refuse any training instructed by him until you prove yourself worthy. Axel has a heavy focus on logic compared to feelings, but after meeting Aliah, it shifts. While confident on the outside, a small mistake can destory and doubt all of his abilities. His family keeps him humbled, so surprisingly enough, he is not full of himself. (Unlike Cassius, cough) In fact, his mother is known to be quite harsh on him.



Aliah Alys Rosasillus [ Lovers ]

They met twice in different timelines. Destined lovers who made a promise to each other in the first timeline, and completes it in the second. Attracted by their common troubles, but has huge contrast in terms of personaility. Aliah is the sun, Axel is the moon. To Axel, Aliah is his everything.


Cassius Von Louvet [ Frenemies - Childhood friends ]

Cassius and Axel are rivals. They known each other since they were very young, but a disturbance between families caused them to drift apart. Now, Cass hates Axel, and Axel is just annoyed by Cass. Both are close and know everything about each other. You would think they're friends, but both always oblige that they aren't. If you put them in a room together alone, it is guaranteed that they would not get along.


Marie de Cormielle [ Little sister ]

Axel's little sister. The odd one out of the Cormielle family. They are quite close. Axel is very protective of her at times. He has no choice but to bring her along to events since she always begs him to. The reason he hates cotton candy and sweet foods is because Marie always feed it to him continuously.

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