[ UP • 026 • ] // Tem



2 years, 11 months ago


U P • 0 2 6 •

Species UFOGS.
Nickname Tem
Pronons He/Them.
STATUS Not For Offer
Creator Kibara
Theme "WIP"

/ WARNING ! His backstory contain spoilers for the future Ufogs storyline & mention of violence. Read at your own risk /

Journal Log #4.

"Today the project U - P showed some promising result. The test subjects 22, 23, 24 and 26, after several hours of surgery and crafting of a specific device for their tail and orb, seemed to remain stable and under control. No sign of aggressivity displayed, slow cognition and cerebral activity, muscular reflexes still present.
Further tests will be performed on those subjects. They will be maintained in individual cages with controled nutritious intakes for the next days until we consider them safe to perform the contact-testing."

He was another subject between a lot of others. Captured from his colony by Humans, U-P 026 ended up forgetting who he was. Any memories from 'before' the lab he was kept in where blurred, as if they belonged to another life. Now, his world was just gray walls, white industrial lights, and the smell of chimical products.
. In the beginning, he tried to fight back, to attack the humans who were stabbing him with their horrible needles, to claw his way toward the exit, and to find back his freedom. But they removed his claws for him not to be able to claw anything. They put a muzzle on him. They starved him. Weak, tired, he stopped fighting.

But sadly for him, the result humans obtained from their experiment on him were not the results expected.

Human's goal was to mindcontrol the Ufogs, to turn them into weapons, to fight the menace that their own species was on humanity. An Ufogs can only be killed if its orb is damaged - and said orb is really hard to break, plus the alien creatures are good at protecting it. The best way to fight fire is with fire, as they say... But the first attempts at brainwashing Ufogs resulted in... Well, in U-P 26, along others. Docile, but not obedient. And too weakened by the treatement and medicines to fight against a wild Ufogs, even less a whole Colony.
But they found a better way to control Ufogs - giving birth to the Mechanical abominations that UP-26 call his "brothers". Half Ufogs, half robotics, those cyborg creatures are obedient war-machines.

U-P 26 was only a Prototype, but humans didn't just kill him - they kept him as a training dummy for his "brothers". As an Ufogs, if his body is too strongly damaged, it dies, and the Ufogs become "dormant" - but the lifeforce stored in the orb allows it to regenerate its body later on. Making of U-P 26 the perfect chewing toy for his "brothers". No matter how violent they are, even if they turn him into a ragdoll, his body regenerate. Oh, it IS painfull, but it doesn't matter, doesnt it ? He's just a failed experiment...

After a few years of the same vicious cyrcle and torture, a call for help reach a stranger through a dream. A stranger that even gives him a name - a true name -, Tem. A stranger who gives him a little bit of hope, in the form of a friendship he stopped dreaming about.

" I wish to see you again in another dream. Farewell, my friend... "

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