
Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birthday: Oct 4th

Height: 5' 3"

Merform Height: 6' 1"

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Grey

Tail Color: Black with Purple Spots

Sexual Preference: Straight (slightly Bi)

Job: Convenience Store Clerk & Centaur Tavern Waitor

Loves: Old Fantasy Novels, Creative Uses of Magic, Blackberry Ice Cream

Hates: Racism, Double Standards, Strong Alcoholic Drinks

   Robin is a shadow magic-user, one of the rare few born with magic flowing in them. Born in Aquinous, he was taught by his parents at a very young age about his powers, even encouraging him not to use them for his own gains. Though he soon quickly learned why when he was arrested at 10 years old for using his shadow magic to create illusions of money when trying to buy goods. During his short time in jail, he began reading some old novels to pass the time and keep himself calm. In that time, he developed favoritism towards fantasy novels, even after his 2 weeks in prison. Since that horrible experience, he's only done his shadow magic sparingly, usually to make his purple spots look like they glow in the dark.

   During high school, Robin mainly kept to himself. He was often seen as more relaxed than the other people around him, and normally not participating in sporting events. Though he did act shy around many of the lovely mermaids in the halls, often too shy to ask them on a date or to get to know them better. One of them was a woman by the name of Michiko Hato, he tried to make light talk with her when he saw her, but that soon stopped when he noticed that Mitsarugi was dating her. Eventually, he graduated from high school and began working in the big world.

  While living on his own tho, the amount of money he had to buy food, pay the bills, and making sure the lights are kept on. At first, he got a job at a convenience store chain as a cashier. But the minimum wage was barely making what he needed. So he ended up getting a job at the Centaur Tavern as one of the very few merfolk Servers. With both those under his belt, he's able to make a decent living while staying in the green. Years later he still work there and has even become a part of Galen's main group.

   While working at his job at the Centaur Tavern, he saw Michiko out of the corner of his eyes, looking different compared to when she was in high school. Nervously, he went up to her with a confident mask on to originally make some small talk. It ended up becoming a good conversation with her and the two began hanging out more and more. It wasn't until at least a few months later before the two began dating. Currently, Robin and Michiko are now boyfriend and girlfriend, and both seem much happier together. On their off-time, it's not uncommon to see the two just resting together. Possibly even with a book on their laps.