


3 years, 28 days ago


currently updating this!



Sachiko Tachibana
Transwoman, She/her
19 (As of 2024)
Waddle Dee

A cowardly dee with a small hint of sass and murder.


Teardrop is one to be easily intimidated. Due to this, he always avoided fighting at all costs, seeing how he isn't really one to hit back. It's hard for him to trust people-- mostly because of how his family has treated him. He'd always stutter on his sentences, scared that he might say something wrong and accidentally make things worse.

However, if he does end up trusting someone, he'd grow a bit clingy, getting jealous whenever someone were to catch that person's attention. Said person at the moment is Drownie. Jealousy would usually cause him to act up-- making him do things he'd normally not do. However, he finds himself to be more comfortable acting like his self whenever it's around Drownie. In fact, he'd grow more and more sassy and confident around the guy, leading to interesting friendly arguments from time to time.








"You bumbling fool. I didn't do this just for April Fools. I did it out of spite, Drownie!"

  • Drownie
  • Splatoon related content
  • Magic
  • Soft things such as stuffed animals
  • Fashion
  • His family
  • Loneliness
  • Croo and the entire concept of the CCC2
  • Being messy
  • Having to live up to someone's standards


Compared to the other Crowns, Teardrop appears to have the most expensive accessories and clothing. This is shown by his Golden crown, headphones, and vast collection of different shoes. His eyes are turquoise and his hair tends to go up. Unless with people he's comfortable with, he usually seems nervous and fidgety. He is also the brightest colored dee when compared to the rest.



Drownie His best friend and probably crush. Even though they started out roughly, the two somehow managed to get along. They'd visit each other once or twice a week and make sure to send each other text messages almost all the time. They would even rant to each other about certain things. Teardrop has yet to confess his feelings, however.


JennifurHis adoptive mother. Their relationship isn't the best; especially with her constantly pressuring Teardrop to stay as perfect as her. This ended up with Teardrop despising her and actively avoiding her presence. Unfortunately, all this stress had been turning Teardrop more and more violent.


Similar setting with Classic Crown's-- There was a bright and rich planet, Lodestar, that got colonized by the Haltmann Work's Company. Teardrop was one of the waddle dees that worked for the company. However, compared to Crown and Drownie, he was way younger when this happened. He didn't even know how to speak or write properly, speaking in broken baby language. He just somehow got mixed in with the group. At some point, a group attacked one of the Company's bases, causing them to send over a pack of waddle dee to fight against them. Teardrop was unfortunate enough to get sent into the warzone without having a clue on how to fight.

Desmond, the group's leader, manage to spot the waddle dee who was way younger than the rest. Not wanting any harm to come to the babi boy, he rushed in the middle and snatched the dee away from danger before fleeing. From then, he decided to adopt Teardrop. Mostly because he didn't know where to leave him. Compared to the original version, this Desmond knew that his homeplanet was beyond saving. Instead of preparing for a revolution, he was preparing for an escape plan. Something to bring him, his group, and Teardrop especially out of the colonized planet. Of course, he did love his planet. It was just more hopeless compared to the original universe. The best he could do was escape and stay alive.

For a year, they were preparing a large ship enough for the entire group. They'd occasionally go out to steal some parts from the company, though. While working, Desmond tried his best to raise Teardrop into a decent and kind kid, usually spending his breaks tutoring and teaching him the basics. He never taught Teardrop to fight though. He didn't want to influence him with violent and harsh experiences. When the ship was finished, they launched off to space into a much more brighter future. They decided to have this future on the planet Popstar, where they safely landed in after a month of the space journey.

They settled down outside a town-- in a grassland specifically. Here, they planned to have a better life. However, this was all destroyed when Jennifur/ACC!Snuffy and her family started a genocide-- killing off all imperfect people. Desmond's group was caught in this. Of course, they attempted to retaliate, fighting them off and guarding the their base, where Teardrop sleeps. They didn't want to involve da babi waddl dee in the fight and kept him safe under all circumstances. Unfortunately, Desmond and his friends lost, getting killed afterwards. When Teardrop woke, everyone was gone. All that was left was Jennifur, who decided to adopt him umu.

He was constantly manipulated, pressured into looking at his now new mom as his new role model. As he grew up, he was convinced into thinking that his entire past with Desmond and everyone else was just some dream meant to be forgotten. His new mom was Jennifur, and this corrupted family had always been his family. He was forced to act perfect, just like the rest of his family, so he would fit in. This was something he absolutely hated so he always stayed in his room. With all the killings and torture that he had witnessed, he wasn't really safe from turning insane as well. It's only a matter of time..

At some point, Teardrop was accepted into the Crown's Crown Club. A club consisting of different versions of himself. When he joined in, it was only him, Classic Crown, and Drownie. During his first days in the club, Drownie constantly picked on him. Insulting and mocking him for how timid and small the dee was. Overall, they never really got along back then. It all built up until Teardrop broke down into tears and fled the club. Drownie, out of guilt, chased after him to apologize. When he caught up and did as said, Teardrop explained the entire situation in his universe and how horrible his family was. Drownie wasn't one to.. comfort people. He was good at being an asshole but being all soft and vulnerable wasn't his thing. Instead of talking, he grabbed Teardrop's nub and lead him somewhere. That place being a huge field of sunflowers, glowing under the sun as it sank signaling the end of the afternoon.

The beautiful sight was enough to comfort Teardrop as he stayed there for a couple of hours while Drownie kept him company. From then on, the two became good friends. Best friends. It was nice to feel hopeful for once.


  • •He gets nightmares quite alot. Occasionally, sleep paralysis, but this allows him to have lucid dreams.
    •He visits Drownie at 9pm during weekends for comfort and company. They're good friends. They met at Crown's 'Crown Club' which is also referred to as CCC.
    •He dislikes ACC!Cleo/Heather the most in his family.
    •He has a huge collection of fancy shoes. One of them being made of comfortable bendable gold.
    •He is terrified of Shadey but is slowly adjusting to the creature.
    •His self-esteem is pretty low. Hanging out with people who point out your mistakes and imperfections is bad for the mental health.
    •He always tries his best to stay neat-- trimming his fur and dusting off his stuff as much as he can. This makes him good at organizing.
  • •It's possible that Teardrop might not actually be a crown.

profile html by Hukiolukio