
3 years, 28 days ago



A harry potter enthusiast and nerd that just wants to eat pizza and hang out with normal friends.

  •  Name   Croo
  •  Age   16 (Originally 15) 
  •  Identity Bisexual, he/them 
  •  World   Planet Popstar 
  •  Species   Waddle Dee
  •  Occupation   N/A
  •  MBTI   ENFP 
  •  Alignment   Their Alignment 
  •  Positive Traits   Selfless, caring, incredibly determined
  •  Negative Traits   Slight naivety,  inability to focus on self first
  •  Outlook   Has a positive outlook in life
  •  Belief   Everyone can change for the better
"In my opinion, reading is more immersive than watching a movie. I mean... have you ever tried using your imagination..?"

Croo is known to be one of the most normal Crowns to ever exist. No supernatural or otherworldly event has ever happen or occurred in this dee's life. Croo was just a dee who loved books and stories. He'd stand out from his pretty chaotic family. Due to how uneventful his life is, he'd resort to his imagination, fantasizing himself in different adventures off to a quest of some sort. Fantasy and medieval themed stories has always been a favorite of his, after all. This helps him find entertainment in the smallest of things.

He's known to be open-minded, not one to judge so easily. He's patient and could be seen as responsible. That doesn't mean that he doesn't get angry though. It just takes awhile for him to reach that point compared to most people.


  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Awkward 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • Reading and Writing
  • Harry Potter
  • Musicals and drama
  • Being included
  • His clubmates (mostly)
  • Pizza


  • Sticking out from the others
  • Waking up early
  • Dimicrown's bullshit
  • Unhealthy addictions (hi parry)
  • Being brushed off or ignored
  • Being shamed for his appearance


  • As mentioned, reading and writing. He doesn't show his writing off publicly however.
  • Sleeping for over 12 hours when he feels like it.
  • Taking small walks from time to time.
  • Creating paper origami.
  • Keeping everything but himself organized.
  • Hosting club meetings.


  • He's very good when it comes to leadership.
  • Acting and roleplaying. Although there are certain roles he can't perform.
  • Can make outstanding speeches.
  • Cool therapy friend.
  • Also moral support.
  • Will probably summarize and rap the entire summary of the Harry Potter series.


  •  Hair Color   Navy blue with a slight reddish purple at the tips. 

  •  Eye Color   Brown (Paris brun)

  •  Skin Color   Tanned (Honey beige) 

  •  Height   5'3 ft 

  •  Clothing Style   Inconsistent. Wears mostly sweaters though. 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Design Notes

  • His design is mostly based off Cleo's character.
  • Due to him lacking his own void crown, he usually carries around a yellow bag that contains all his stuff. Oddly enough, my lazy ass has never drawn said bag in my entire life.
  • Without his glasses, it's incredibly hard to look around his surroundings.
  • I don't know why he wears rain boots.
  • I just think he looks cool.
  • He's horrible at picking clothes please let him be.
Click for Reference


Goals/Motivation because I have no backstory for him (yet)

One could say that he has two lives he has to handle; His family life and the club. Seeing how he mostly spectates the chaos that happens in his family, the thing he's most concerned about is the club. It took him awhile to realize that the members he picked out-- Dimicrown, Parry, and Krown could all be quite problematic. As a club leader, he figured that it was within his responsibility to make sure that they all turn out okay.

Handling everyone has proven to be a challenge, especially with how Dimicrown occasionally causes problems and misfits that tend to stress Croo out. As mentioned earlier, Croo wasn't so familiar with supernatural things. Dimicrown's presence was a whole new thing for him. While that's going on, he'd also try to help Parry out with his problems. It's pretty difficult with Parry refusing to open up and the constant consumption of any of the things he's addicted to. Still, Croo tries to look pass this and keep trying. Krown was the one member that caused the least of his stress. All he ever needs to do is to watch over the robot dee so he'd stop accidentally harming himself.

Sometimes, he reaches his limits, which is a shock even to him. He'd suspend club meetings because of this-- taking a walk or reading a book to calm himself down. He knows he can't stay frustrated forever but it was nothing a nice cup of tea wouldn't solve... Mostly.

Present Day

At the moment, he isn't as motivated and energetic as he used to. Problems just keep rising up especially with Dimicrown screwing things over when he least expects it. After confronting the others and talking to them about their problems more and more, Croo began to see himself as less; prioritizing others before himself to the point that it's just plain unhealthy. Unless everyone in the club finally realizes that Croo is on his limits, I doubt there would be a stop to this. 





Time known each other: A year and a half Croo's friendship with Dimicrown is rather complicated. Croo heavily treasures Dimi as a friend but with every problem Dimi brings up to the club, he grows more hesitant and annoyed. Fortunately (or not), Croo's patience is very strong.



Time known each other: A year and a half Parry is probably one of the few people Croo can talk to. ..When sober at least. No doubt has Croo felt uncomfortable around Parry's presence but the nerd tries his best to not let that push him away. He's determined to help Parry, no matter how closed off the drunkie is.



Time known each other:A year and a half With Koko being the youngest in the club, Croo tends to see him as this one child that he has to protect. This has proven to be difficult with how reckless Koko can be at times; often getting into accidents that can be life threatening to a fragile robot such as him.

profile html by Hukiolukio